So it sometimes feels that it's either everyone we know is already married and having babies or is about to get married and then have some babies. And then there are the awesome single people in my life that I love so much that keep me young. But let me get back to the point... Wedding Season. It is officially March and that means it is warming up in Texas. The flowers are blooming and the weather is getting warm, what wonderful weather for a wedding. (Say that 3 times fast!) So since it is just perfect wedding weather, our friends Christine and Michael decided to get hitched, or 'bona fide' as I say. So David and I decided get all dolled up and head on down to San Antonio.
He is just the cutest thing ever and we love him so much!
(He is Teething right now, so he loved my seashell ring)
His birthday is coming up and because gas is so high, we won't be able to see him but we made sure to get him his birthday gift early. And to celebrate his birthday in our own way, we are taking Motorcycle Lessons!yea.. I know, I will explain it in a later blog. Anyway- so we got to see some super great friends, share some laughs and drink some free booze. I really can't think of a better Saturday than that, even if it is Wedding Season.
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