Monday night, I decided to surf the web and check out a favorite website I have. One of the news reports was that there was an event going on in where you can "Ask Me Anything". It's a forum post that allows you to ask someone anything you want to and have them answer. One post that caught my eye was "I have 51 hours to live."
It was a forum help by a guy who had been fighting a battle with Lymphoma Cancer and he decided to take control and end his battle with Cancer by taking the Oregon's Death Act so he would die with dignity. He stated about himself that "Who I was doesn't matter. I'm in pain, I'm tired and I'm finally being granted a small shred of respect."
After reading through the many posts, I started to realize more of our society. With someone deciding to end their life with respect, they decided to treat him with their up most respect. I don't know what it feels like to be dying, but I can only see that there is a bit of clarity with it. While reading through someone wrote him a quote from Socrates, "To fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise, without being wise, for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For anything that men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them, but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. And what is this but that shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know?"
With everything that was posted, it was amazing to see that one thing this dying man wished he accomplished was to have traveled more. So the internets decided to tell him 'hello' from around the world and send him pictures of some of their favorite places in the world. I couldn't comment because I don't feel that I have anything important that he needs to spend his time reading, but in case you want to ask him something or just read this amazingly beautiful story of the end of a life, feel free to check out Lucidending on
He has been on my mind all day, just hoping that he wasn't in pain anymore and everything was ok for him. I leave you with an amazing quote written by this gentleman, and just remember you are alive, that's one thing to be happy about.
"Nothing we have is worth hurting anyone else for. It's all fleeting people. Stop seeing race, color, sex, religion, etc.... Theyre all just people, and if you try to love them you won't lose anything."
- Lucidending. Reddit - 2011
it's been a good week
1 day ago
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