Sending a Howdy and a Thank You to Roots and Rings for always hosting the wonderful Ten on Tuesday.
1. How did your parents decide on your name?
Funny that you ask. The way I remember it was that my mother had a dream that the Virgin Mary came to her and told her that she would have a daughter and she would name her after the Virgin Mary's sister, Elizabeth. Yep. So that's how I got my name.
2. Do your initials (First, Middle, Last) spell out anything fun/funny?
EKB. I have mentioned it before, but I have the same amount of letters in my first and last name. I think that is kind of cool.
3. Did you take your middle name from childhood or did you take your maiden name as your middle name? (If unmarried, what do you plan to do?)
I choose to keep my childhood middle name. Kelly. I was named after the Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio. And with my maiden name 'Pena' I thought if I had it as my middle name I would sound like a law firm. Pena and Balentine, Law Enforcement!
4. Are you or will you name your children thematically (ie. same first letter, all of same origin…)
I think the first same letter is kind cheesy. And I hate things like Jack and Jill, fairy tale type of things. But we have already talked about names for future children and David and I both think it's best to involve family names.
5. Did you decide on baby names as a little girl? Did you stick to them or change your mind?
When I was a teenager I swore that I would name my first son Harvey Danger. So he could say his middle name was 'Danger', girls name not so much.
6. Does your family have any names that have been passed down through generations?
Not that I know of. There are some great names out there but nothing that has been used over and over again.
7. Do you look at the meaning of the name or just the name itself?
Just the name itself. I don't think the meaning of a name determines what kind of person they end up being. But I do think that just the name itself can give you a first impression of the person.
8. Do you name pets with human names (Sally, Henry) or with pet names (Fluffy, Mr. Bo Bo)?
Actually, we name them with human names. But after musicians. Erin Copland. Johnny Cash and Ella Fitzgerald
9. Are there any names that you have an affinity or dislike for based on a childhood experience/someone you once knew?
Hated Names: Joni. Beth. Jennifer. Hannah. I could go on, but I might mention too many names.
10. What are some of your favorite names? Why?
Bruce, Katherine, Madeline. I'm sure I could think of more, but it has been quite a long day and I call this the end of my post.
a bright spot in a time of darkness
1 day ago
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