"In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories." Dun Dun.
David and I love Law and Order. We could sit in bed, or on the couch, or even hide in a closet for hours watching Law and Order. And not just any Law and Order, Law and Order SVU. Now in our home we don't say the word Special Victims Unit, that just takes too long. So we say SVU like it sounds (suh-vooo). We shout it with excitement "SUH-VOOO!" as if we are cheering for our favorite team. So if we are channel surfing and one of us sees SVU, the channel is changed , we shout with a cheery tone "Suh-Voo!" and we are drawn into the magic.

Now there have been some weird episodes and it really isn't a show that is appropriate for children, but man how do I love when Detective Stabler throws a bad guy against the wall and threatens him with his deep scary voice. I love how Olivia Benson always has to defend the woman in the case thinking that she is always the victim. (I actually begged David if we could name the motorcycle Olivia Benson, he said no.) We try to spend the first 30 minutes of the show determining who really 'dun it'. We scream at the TV trying to find the humor in a crazy gymnastic coach that has a fetish for unicorns. We make snide comments of in the manner of "That's what she said". With honest truth we enjoy this show for entertainment purposes, but we sometimes turn into two 14 year old sitting on the couch together watching a show that might be just a little too much. And yes, I believe this show may be one of my favorite shows ever, and there is nothing better than having it available at all times from over 3,000 channels, but I just enjoy having something with my husband that is just ours. It may involve issues like child abuse, rape and murder, but hey, it's our family and we can watch what we want to. So please excuse me, I think there is some SVU on and I have to cuddle up with my husband. And just a heads up, if you know there is a marathon of Law and Order on USA, expect me not to pick up the phone. You have been warned.... Dun Dun.