I mentioned this in an earlier post, but I thought I would catch everyone up. David bought a motorcycle! Yes. Yes, he did. It is quite interesting what everyone response to it is. But my opinion is that I think it is quite awesome. He has another bike that is on its last limb and I would prefer he get rid of sooner than later, but we will see. Anyway, he bought a bike. We had to drive up to Round Rock to go see it and check it out. It looked like a great bike, but I am the type of person that forgets what side the gas goes in on my car, so obviously I didn't know much about bikes. But I know it looked pretty and that I looked good riding on the back of it. So I said yes and David thought about it. Next day, which was Monday, he left work and went to go pick it up.

It is actually a great bike and we got a great deal on it. The gentleman we bought it from lost his job and was lucky enough to find another one, but it didn't pay as much as he was used to. So they had to sell it, and he was very picky about who it went to. So lucky for us, he got along well with David and saw what an experienced rider he is.

So what are we doing to prepare for a new motorcycle in our life? Funny you should ask. This coming weekend we will be going to a 3 day motorcycle class. I have only been on a motorcycle once while it was moving and that was last Tuesday, and it was just around the block. So it really is important for me to learn more, and since David has been riding for over 10 years, it is always smart to take a refresher course. I am just excited that I won't be taking the course by myself, I am so worried I might cry if I fall off the bike in the riding practice.

Now don't get me wrong, I am still terrified of bikes. It's taking me some getting use to, but you should see David when he rides it. He loves riding so much and I know that with everything he has in his life, he has too much to risk losing it and that is how I know he will be safe. So allowing myself to sit on the back, I could only do that if I am riding with him. Hopefully this week we will be getting my helmet and the rest of my gear. I am hoping for a baby blue color, but we will see what is available. But the plan is, after I get my certified to ride the bike, we will be taking it to San Antonio to show it off in front of my dad and then we will be taking it to Lago Vista when we go up there for a mini get-away. We've talked about what we will do when we become pregnant, and David is very determined to keep me off the bike. It made me wonder for a bit, what was the point if I would only ride it for a few months. The point is that it will actually give me comfort when my husband goes riding on it by himself. I honestly would throw a fit whenever he rode his bike, but I really am getting better about it. He doesn't ride at night and he doesn't ride when the ground is wet. I am getting used to being the wife of a biker and actually started to become excited about being a biker myself. Now the hardest part is having to find a name for the bike...
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