Two years ago was my three month anniversary with David and the day that he proposed. I remember that day so well as it was just yesterday, and how it blows my mind that the time i have shared with him has flown by so quickly. Since most people don't know the story in full, I figured today would be a great day to share this amazing story.
David came in town from Austin to come visit me on a Friday afternoon. I had been waiting for him all day to come pick me up since I wanted to take him to the Japanese Tea Gardens and just enjoy a beautiful afternoon with him in the park. But of course, nothing ever goes to plan (and he was getting my engagement ring and waiting for the diamond to be placed in the setting). He picked me up so late that we ended up getting stuck in traffic and had to cancel all of our day plans for that day. Of course being me, and so focused on plans and schedules, I was not a happy camper. He ended making me laugh, smile and forgetting about the whole situation all together that I just had to enjoy the rest of the night.
Saturday of course was a different story. November 10, 2007 was the first time he was going to meet my parents. My mom had heard about him before, especially since I had talked to her about going on a first date with this fantastic man named David. He met with my parents at the famous Willie's and enjoyed some small talk while having a great lunch (so I thought), until my father asked the big question... "So, Elizabeth just mentions this relationship and now we're meeting for lunch. Why is that?" I had no idea how to answer the question, so I just smiled and said I wanted my parents to get to know who I was spending all of my time with. :) Yes, I know very smooth. So smooth that the rest of the lunch ended up great that David and I decided to enjoy downtown before we had to meet his parents for dinner.
We walked around the market square, going into little shops and acted like tourists while holding hands and killing time before dinner. While walking down near the Majestic we noticed that STOMP! was playing. I had seen them when I was younger and David had never seen them before, so the amazing man that he is decided we should go see the show, even if it meant missing dinner with his parents. He reassured me that his parents would understand and we bought the tickets, killed some time with some coffee, and saw an amazing spontaneous show of Stomp! Of course, the show
was amazing and we ran off to his parents house to catch the rest of dinner.
Well, when we showed up I really had no idea what to expect. I was so worried that they would have been frustrated that we missed dinner and not be in such an inviting mood. I couldn't have been happier at the fact that they were completely understanding, ever so welcoming, and even had a warm plate of dinner waiting for us while we talked over a glass of wine and even a special Italian made lemon liquor. The entire time they were so warming, nice, and better than I could ever imagine future-in-laws to be. We left after a while and the hugs and smiles that they had gave made me feel like I was already part of their family.
When we left the Balentine household, David suggested that we go to our favorite bar in San Antonio, Cigar Club and go hang out with some friends that were already there. For some of you that may not know, Cigar Club was where we had met for the first time. We walked into the bar and all of our friends were there. Even Justin was playing with his band that just so happen to be playing the first time we met. The entire day was so magical and as wrapped as I was in the best time I was ever having with David, I had no idea what was about to happen. After a couple of beers and conversation with our friends, David leaned near me and whispered in my ear "Do you want to go out to our spot?" (Our spot was a place out in the hill country where we would bring a blanket and lay out under the stars and just enjoy our time together.) I of course answer back with a big smile and a yes. We said bye to all of our friends and jumped into the truck and head out to our little spot in the big beautiful hill country. As we laid out under the big Texas stars and cuddled up on our big blanket David held me in his arms and whispered in my ear "We're gonna get married!" I smiled back and the little smarty pants that I am said, "I haven't said yes yet." He all of a sudden had the biggest smile on his face and said "Let me ask you again" while he grabbed for something laying right above my head and leaned up with a little black box in his hands. That's when it hit me, this little moment that I had been waiting my entire life has finally come and here is the man of my dreams laying next to me with the best ring I have ever seen right in front of me. My natural reaction was complete shock where I couldn't help but shout "Really? really? Really?" While he is laying there waiting for an answer, he finally got a little nervous and said "You have to answer!" Realizing that I never officially gave him a yes or no, I started screaming "Yes! Yes! Yes! I will marry you!"
The entire day that I spent with David had to have been the best day I had ever had in my life. And following every day since then has been nothing but greatness. Before I met David I had no idea that life could be as great as it is. He has changed my world upside down for the better and every day I have with him makes me excited for the next day ahead.
So there is the story. Our wonderful little story that was the beginning of our time together. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I remember it and telling it. Two years ago I met a man on a "blind meet" and fell in love that night. I knew he was the man for me after our first date. We have continued to grow and love each other every day, and I for one, look forward to updating our blog about our little stories that we share just so this crazy world that we live in can know that there is such a thing as true love.