For a while now I have wanted a haircut. I knew I wanted something different but couldn't put my finger on it. I avoided it at all cost since I wasn't ready to make a decision. And for me haircuts are never about change and that's how I felt when I went out to get a hair cut. I usually go to Toni and Guy.

I once had a stylist long time ago that was absolutely fantastic and got my hair done by her for two years. Then one day she called to let me know she was packing up her stuff and moving to California. I was heartbroken and I realized how hard it would be to find someone to replace her that could promise me they would never leave. Impossible, I know. So I decided to find a place I could go to wherever I was and after the first time I went to Toni and Guy I fell in love. They always make my hair looking beautiful and I've never left unhappy. But over that past few months of deciding for a change I was worried Toni and Guy wouldn't be able to help me in a new style for my hair. So I drove around on Sunday afternoon looking for a new place. I have heard about Bird's Barbershop and heard they do a really great job so I had that as a place of interest when driving around. I found something close to it, and decided to give it a try. Floyd's Barbershop. So I walked into the hip edgy place and sat in a chair. I decided to play it safe and just ask for layers and face framing with a long bang that I could just sweep to the side and not have it in my face. Next thing I know the woman cutting my hair starts giving me shorter and shorter hair. I started getting nervous. I told her it looked fine and I wanted it blow dried to make sure everything was the way I could hope it to be. So she started blow drying my hair and there I see in the mirror bangs! Crooked Bangs! Uneven, Choppy, Horrible BANGS!

It took everything out of me to not burst out in tears. I told her that everything looked great and I had to go and was in a hurry. I paid my bill, walked to my car, and the second I started the engine I couldn't hold it any longer, I burst out in tears and tried to get home as quick as possible. David was sleeping on the couch when I got home and of course I had to wake him up to let him know how miserable I was. He was such a great husband holding me while I cried about my horrible haircut, and the super smart man that he is suggested I go somewhere else and get it fixed. The only place I could think of the great faithful Toni & Guy. I showed up being prepared with them not being able to help me out at all. I was so relieved that she said she would be able to fix it for me. My layers weren't so much worth the task but the bangs were really the bigger issue. She worked on them for a good 30 minutes and finally turned me to the mirror to leave me as one of the happiest people in the store. I really was so happy that a horrible situation that landed on my head turn to something better. It is still taking a little time getting used to hair on my face but I am really liking it. It's something different and new and in the end, exactly what I wanted. :)
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