I decided to go through some old pictures I have saved on my Computer and retouch any of them that I might need to fix or make new again. And what did I come across? Two pictures that made me look like a total and complete brat. While looking deeply into these pictures, memories started to revisit and now the truth has come out, I was a brat. I remember little situation from my past of not getting what I wanted, and I really thought I expressed my feelings in a mature well spoken way for a 5 year old, but in all honest it was just me screaming at the top of my lungs crying crocodile tears and turning my face red in hopes that it would actually get me what I wanted.
My mom told me a story a while back that I wanted something and my parents decided I didn't deserve what I wanted so I threw a tantrum. Apparently I was so focused on what I wanted I cried for almost 2 hours. The crying would stop from time to time, so my parents decided to sneak around the house and look through my window to see what I was really doing. I remember this part specifically. I was playing with my dolls, brushing their hair from what I remember, and whenever I heard a sound I would start crying again. My parents saw the same thing through the window. For two hours just crying and stopping, crying and stopping. Wow, I was relentless!
The picture I found is a memory that is very vivid and occured when I was 5 years old going to St. John Berchman's, my parents decided to place me in Softball. I remember being so excited to be a part of a great team! But then I realized that I was not good at softball at all. They put me in the outfield where no ball would roll out, and I couldn't even hit the ball well when I was up to bat! I couldn't stand this game! It was boring, infuriating, and I hated it. So during one game I had forgot to grab my glove on the way to the game. I didn't really care since I knew the coach wouldn't let me play, and then the worst thing ever happened! I had to play outfield! With no glove! My dad had to go borrow one from some weird kid that smelled funny, and his glove was way to big for my hand. So what did I do? I acted in a very mature way for a 5 year old and expressed how I felt. I threw a tantrum, cried and threw my self on the ground. My dad had to actually come on the field, pick me up, and carry me to the sideline.

So there's the truth. I used to be a brat. And that was a long, long time ago. I like to think I've grown so much from that. Some might disagree, slightly. But I will always be me and dare I say... Always get what I want. In the end, I like to think growing up as a brat has taught me some lessons. When David and I get are blessed with a little girl of our own one day I like to think that I can handle her with some finesse. Sure the words "Don't even pull that, I invented that!" might come out of my mouth, but in the end, I really did invent it! After all, I was the best at being a brat!
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