Let me start of by saying... What a whirlwind of events! It's already 4 days after Christmas and I think I just finally caught my breath! A couple of days before Christmas I finally got my butt in gear and decided to do my Christmas shopping. Usually, I do a pretty good job about collecting gifts through out the year and have them saved up, but for some reason this year I just couldn't get that together. So I put on my brave hat, brought my headphone and my hateful iPhone and went shopping. I was pretty impressed and was able to get all of my gifts with in a matter of 2 hours! I do have to say it was pretty easy since I planned on being thrifty this year and give everyone pictures with fantastic frames. (I do have to say I am really really good at pairing up the right photo with the right frame) So I had everything packed, wrapped and ready for our trip to San Antonio.
I just started my job at AT&T and they were so kind enough to give me a schedule that gives me Thursday and Fridays off! When I got off of work on Wednesday, I ran home, finished packing and we headed off to good ol San Antonio. We usually stay at David's Parents house when ever we come in to town, mainly it's because whenever we go out it's in a location near their home. Once we got there we walked inside with a big black contractor bag filled with gifts and David walks straight to his dad who is standing near the Christmas Tree and shows him the bag and proclaims "I got you a bag of Coal." (That is my husband and one of the many reasons why I love him) We decided to unpack a bit and catch up with family (usually David has to drag me out of the house once I start chatting up with our Family) We went out with one of David's old friends and just so happens there was a Trivia Game... and wouldn't you know it? My luck has run out on winning things and we got 4th place. So we went home beaten but not sore and woke up the next day for a very exciting day of Christmas Eve.
We woke up late the next day (9am) and slowly enjoyed a lazy day with family and great conversation. I knew we had time to spare since we didn't have to be anywhere til 7pm. We enjoyed lunch and just hung out...I even took a nap before I had to get ready. We finally got to show up at my Uncle John's beautiful house and enjoyed a fantastic Christmas Eve. I always love going there every year because it is a guarantee for great conversation, hearty drinks, and yummy exotic food. I was so happy to have such amazing family all around me and catching up with everyone I haven't seen since last year.

My brother and I were begging to go back to our house and partake on out new family tradition of opening Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve. Our parents sent us home early to sit and wait for them... staring... waiting patiently like good little children. Even our family cat, Katherine got excited for presents!

Our Parents finally got home and it was time for presents!!! I was so great to see what everyone got each other and it was the best Christmas I've had with David. (I can't say ever, since I remember my first Christmas with my Dad and he got me a whole truck filled with truck when I was 5- talk about spoiled!!) My parents were so sweet and got David a table saw AND a portable drill and a portable saw! He was so excited he actually started giggling! He even got excited that Hanukkah Harry (Me) got him a deep fryer, since he's been wanting one forever.

The gifts I got from Santa were things I know I asked for... and let me tell you! It pays to be good all year! Mom and Dad got us new upgraded Tupperware, a crock pot, new towels, and the greatest invention ever! A new vacuum !! Our's broke a couple of months ago and it has been horrible while we have been saving for a new one. Santa knew our situation and got us a great one that will keep us clean til we can afford our over priced one. I have to admit I was so excited I started crying. :) My brother even got me my favorite game ever- Apples to Apples! After all the excitement David and I grabbed our coats and headed out. It was only 12:30 so we decided a game of darts was in order to celebrate Christmas. We were lucky to meet our friends from Austin for a beer and a game of cricket. Of course, our friend Charles won every game but it was still fun.
The next morning we woke up a bit earlier to have Christmas with the Balentines and what a fun time! Our little niece Terra opened all of her gifts with such care and precision is was adorable to watch. My favorite part was when she was going through her stocking and pulling ever single Bonnie Bell chapstick. She would pull it out individually and state the color and place down carefully next to the others. I think it might be a Balentine trait to place things in order! David's parents got us the sweetest gifts ever. We had been talking to them about how to make soup and we just couldn't get it right. So we opened our big beautiful box to have a recipe for Dad's famous Homemade Tomato Soup (He used this little dish to help him win over mom when they first started dating!) Everything that we would need for this amazing meal was sitting right there in the box! It was even greater to know that my brothers and sisters got the same gift too! Maybe we can have a huge Tomato Soup Dinner! David's older brother Fowler and Angie were so sweet and got us a lot of great gifts, one of my favorites is the Dr. Pepper cake! My brother is begging me to make it while he is town! And David's little brother got me the first season of Dead Like Me (one of my favorite shows ever!)
After Christmas fun, we went to my grandparents house to have exchange of gifts with them. I was so sad we wouldn't stay longer but we had to be back in Austin before 5 pm. There was one big gift with our name on it and I really had no idea what it could be. My grandmother knew I had been wanting a fantastic Plate set since I never ordered one from my wedding. My grandmother and mom both had the same design (White China with Gold Rim) and I was so jealous of their settings. When I ripped open the paper I saw that my grandmother had gotten me my own plate set just like the one my mother and her have. I was so overwhelmed with emotion I burst out in tears. (I know! I cry when I'm happy) I was so excited and gave her the biggest hug ever. It turned out to be absolute perfect especially since last Christmas she got us Gold Silver ware that would match perfectly with our new plates!

I know I mentioned earlier my first Christmas of being spoiled, but this year I can only remember with a smile. I have never felt so much love in my life in just one little day. I know there are more meanings of Christmas for some people, but as David says "Christmas for me is spending time with family." And there really isnt anything better than that. Even if we just got a sweater for Christmas it still would have been one of the best ever! I could not be more blessed than to have such an a amazing family as this. Happy Christmas to all! And a Happy New Year!

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