For at least once every few months we try to give Ella a bath. Copland and Johnny usually get one twice a year, but Ella still is a puppy and has a habit of getting dirtier than her older brothers. I had made a deal with David that if he could do the dishes (since I hate to do dishes) I would give Ella a bath. In all honesty, I thought I got the best part of the deal since Ella really likes getting a bath since she gets all the attention for 10 minutes and she usually shows her affection during bath time with a lot of kisses. So as my husband got started on a big pile of dishes, I got everything ready and picked up Ella and placed her in the bathtub. She was doing fine, just like she normally handles bath time. And then I started the shampoo. Rubbed it all over and I had one soapy dog. So soapy that when she decided she was tired of bath time, she jumped out and for what felt like a minute of chasing after her and not being able to grab hold since she was covered in soap! There was water and soap every where, I could barely stand up without slipping. I finally cornered her, and to show me how she felt, she laid down in protest so it would be harder for me to pick her up and put her back in the tub. After getting her in there, I rinsed her off and started to put conditioner on her. This is very special conditioner, and I love the smell so much! So while rubbing this $10 doggy conditioner I squirt too much out and so now I'm slippery, wet just like Ella. Then what happens next? Ella jumps out again so get even more water and soap over everything! Just my luck! So I grab her one more time, held her down and rinsed her off and tried to squeeze all the water off of her. Dried her off with a big fluffy towel and even used the blow dryer to help the process. In the end of the the whole situation I finally had a clean little puppy with big fluffy hair a
nd a big smile!

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