Makes money together. David and I had been talking about finding the right job for me where I would be happy and could grow with while I still had time to work on my art work for the gallery I will be showing a couple of months. I was having a little bit of bad luck with the job market. I can always get a job because of my sparkling personality, but I would get a job with hopes and promises and sadly the company couldn't keep it's promises, and I would have to sadly leave. So one night while hanging out with my husband we were talking of things that I would be good at and where I could grow with. I knew that I would want to get in a company that I could stand behind and maybe have a lasting career in.
I had been in love with photography for such a long time and have worked with some great photography companies through the past years. I enjoyed the work and learned so much but it is a service job that isn't dependable. There is always slow seasons and with the economy it isn't an affordable luxury that everyone can afford. I tried to find a way to continue in this career but I knew my talents were better than spending my entire life doing engagements, weddings, and parties. Then I found my calling! I would do an art series and have a gallery show. (And that is a whole other blog that will be coming soon!) So I had that problem down, but still wanted to find a job with a great company that was reliable. Then David suggested I apply at AT&T. He had worked for a Austin based company called Wayport for 4 years and last year AT&T bought them out for $275 million in cash. It was a little nerve wrecking to find out what they were going to to do with the company, but when we found out that they bought Wayport to use it for wi-fi services, we knew that his job and company just grew into a bigger opportunity for our family. He has always talked about how well the company has treated him and the path that his career can take him to in the years to come. I knew that I wanted to be with a company like that but my first worry was if my husband could handle working with his own wife. He knew that it would be find and calmed all of my worries, and even made me feel better when he told me that AT&T actually encourages couples to work together since it makes both of the parties work harder for a better future for their family and in the end is also a winning situation for AT&T. So he worked his magic engineering powers and got me an interview. From there on it was all on me. I went to the interview, and got the job! There was a lot of paperwork to fill out and some hoops to jump through but I got it done and just in time, since today was the beginning of one of the training classes for the month. I went in a little nervous this morning and if I do say so myself I rocked my training class. I had no idea how much I actually knew when it came to technology. Yes, me... the one that always asks my husband to be my own personal tech support. I really did enjoy my first day and am looking forward to going in tomorrow. I really want to see how far I can climb in this company and the biggest perk of it all is getting to see my very sexy husband in his cubicle when ever I want... or have a break and who knows? Maybe I will get to have lunch with him sometimes this week!
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