Well Howdy there! I know I haven't written anything since my little fancy getaway, but I will let you know how amazing that was and I will be catching you up to all the Balentine's stories soon, now it's time for Ten on Tuesday! Thanks again to Roots and Rings for the help.
1. If you work, do you drive to work or take public transportation?
Of course I drive to work! You have heard me talk about my Hemi Charger haven't you? And I also car pool with a co-worker to work. Hopefully at one point, David and I will work at the same building and we can go to work together. That would also be better than the 30 minute drive I do right now. In Austin, that is forever long.
2. How often do you get your haircut? Do you go to the same person every time?
I get my hair cut once every 2 months. Yep, and I get it colored and all the fancyness to go with it. The girl who cuts my hair is named Lola. I love her. She is perfect!
3. Do you read the newspaper? If so, a hardcopy or the online version?
I read The Daily What and listen to Shade 45 in the morning. I am able to hear about any news that is need to know. It's horrible how i get my news but it really works for me.
4. What is the best book you have read this year?
Water for Elephants. by Sara Gruene. This is the book I took out to our vacation and spent a great time just sitting, reading and relaxing.
5. What is the best movie you have seen this year?
So this year, we saw the Adjustment Bureau. It's really great, even though I fell asleep during the end of it, it wasn't the movies fault, just the fact that I get really tired and fall asleep during anything. :(
6. Do you tend to crave sweet or salty foods?
Right now, I have to have the saltiest thing available. I absolutely love love love salty!
7. Do you eat breakfast every day? If so, what do you have?
I wish I did. I pack a small snack for me to have something. I love applesauce or crackers.
8. If you celebrate Easter, what Easter treat/candy are you most looking forward to?
We celebrate Spring, but not with candy. Don't like it much. But we do bar b que! Lamb Chops! Yum!
9. How late is “sleeping in” to you?
If I am crazy tired and can't do anything else but sleep, I can sleep 12 hours. But normally I get 7-8 hours a night.
10. Where are you going on your next vacation?
If things go exactly right to our plan, we will be going to Disney World!! :D We are also crossing our fingers that we can go to Vegas in July. There is a huge conference that David wants to go to, and I just want to gamble.
it's been a good week
1 day ago
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