This is a legitimate fear for me. I have talked about Zombies before and yes, I do believe that zombies are part of the end of the world as well, but the idea of the human race being taken out by it's own planet seems very plausible to me. I probably ask David once a month if he thinks the world is going to end soon. He always answers no, I think he has gotten use to my fear for this. I'm not sure how it started but it sure is a snowball effect for me to fear this 110%.
Maybe this fear started when I was in 7th grade, that is when my Geography teacher taught us about the Mayans and their belief that this world would end in 2012. Maybe it was learning more of the Jewish tradition in that it is written that the world would not exceed a certain amount of years and as of now, our time is up. Maybe it's because I was raised Catholic for my childhood and was taught to fear everything! But no matter what, I truly fear the end of the world.

So when I was driving into town one day I noticed on a long stretch of road that 3 small RV's where coming towards me in the opposite lane. They zoomed by real quick but the one thing I noticed was in pretty white cursive where the words, The End is Near. May 21, 2011. My first reaction was to laugh, mainly because I was used to the crazy walking around 6th street with their huge sign telling all the sinners they were going to burn for their indiscretions. But now they have RV's? And they are driving around the country spending their money on gas and pamphlets? I thought this had to be a joke, so when I went home I opened my laptop and searched for this thing. If you google, May 21, 2011, a bunch of things pop up. But the first and only thing about it being the end of the world is a website called
WE CAN KNOW! What I got out of this and some more research about this crazy was that he was a mathmatician and was able to read the bible and put numbers together so he can predict when the world is going to end. Not only that but he has done this before! He tried to predict when the world was going to end and her convinced a bunch of people, got them in a room and waited for Jesus to show up again and they sat their standing, waiting like fools, so he decided to pick another date. Now as I write this to you , I realize how silly this really is and that it's not going to happen. But if it does I will be so pissed. Because I got so much more to do on this earth!

Sure there are wild fires going on in Texas and tornadoes going on in Carolina and New York. Ok, there are earthquakes and tsunami's on the other side of the world. Yea, we might be going into a drought and one of the biggest volcanoes is being reported getting closer to blow. But the only thing that calms me down is that these things have been going on for years. I means hundreds and thousands of years, but the only difference is our sharing of information. Twitter and Facebook and Google. They keep us from talking to each other face to face. They allow information to be known in an instant. 'Hey Everyone, I just bought a coffee, I thought you should know!" Once I post that on my facebook, I'm sure everyone would think, well who cares if you bought a coffee, but at least they would know I bought a coffee and then I am given affirmation of how important I am.
So maybe the concern is not that mother earth is getting upset at us, but that we are ending our own ruling. Maybe the homosapien is going in a decline of ruling. Maybe we are ruining ourselves with these gadgets and gizmos and 'need to know everything that is happening at this moment' websites . But the only nice thing I can say about that is if the world is going to end, at least I will know about by tweet, and really, isn't that the way to go?
I'm hearing you loud and clea. I am the biggest sissy when it comes to the end of the world. My friend tried to comfort me yesterday by saying that fortunatley we'll be dead by then (in response to my fear of Patrick Stewart's prediction that the moon is moving out of Earth's gravitational pull). I was like, "Wow, way to play up my fear of death."
ReplyDeleteOf courseif the world is going to end, there isn't a ton of stuff we can do about it. Speaking of resets I left my phone at home. Guess the world will end with me still in the dark.
i think everyone hopes and fears that their time will be THE time, the last time on this earth. The end of the world will be sudden, without warning, and spectacular I'm sure. My advice is to plan for the future to go on a few more billion years, and to carry a bag of popcorn at all times in case it doesn't.