So, as most of you know David and I are not Christian. We don't go to church or believe in what some would call a 'savior' but we do celebrate holidays with our families because they are Christian. On Saturday we had our photo shoot and I will be writing about that soon. I was so happy with everything about that, but after the shoot we packed up the car and headed back to San Antonio. We went to our Uncle Tony and Aunt Allyson's house. They were having a Easter Eve dinner and we love their company so much. We showed up a little late for dinner but not for wine hour! :) There are many things that I enjoy about being a Balentine but the love of good wine and conversation is almost a must when you call yourself a Balentine, and Saturday night was just that. We ended up staying a bit and catching up with the both of them and trading stories and laughter.
Then we decided to meet some old friends. It really is a long story so I'm going to make it short but David's best man from our wedding and my maid of honor from our wedding are now a couple. We couldn't be happier and are so excited that their paths led them this way. So we went to go hang out with them to catch up about life and just really enjoy our time together. 2 hours went by so quick and we found ourselves having to head back for bed time.
The morning of Easter we woke up, had showers and gotten ready for a fun day. We went over to my grandmother's house to see her and my relatives. Just to give you perceptive of how long it has been since I have seen my cousin Monica, she was 10 weeks pregnant last time I saw her and now she has a beautiful 8 year old daughter. Talk about a long time! But since I have never met her daughter before I thought I would do what I do best with my 'nieces' and buy her affection. I got her a 'Hello Kitty' messenger bag that included markers for her to color and decorate. And yes, I won her little heart. We decorated cupcakes, played with silly string as she chased me around the backyard and I even showed her how a 'cascarone' works.
My mom put together a egg hunt for her and since she was the only kid around, she had a blast finding every egg out there. Then she had a basket full of 'money eggs' and cascarone eggs that it was time to get the party started. 
Everyone got hit with one! And might I point out, I think it's funny that my dad and David both make the same face when they are getting hit with an egg.
After a while we had to finally go since we had a birthday party to go to when we got back into Austin. We ended up finally getting home after 8 to find that our friend Sean who watched the dogs for us left two notes in our house. One said 'Stop' at the top of the stairs. It really creeped me out and I prepared for the surprise of someone jumping out at me. By the time I made it to our bedroom door there was another note that said "Hammertime.'
So there you have it, a wonderful Easter. I'm so glad that I was able to write about this and have it saved for one of those days that I look back. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Happy Zombie Day to all!
As always, you guys sounded like you had a great time. Sorry I couldn't see you guys on Saturday. I really missed not being at Tony and Alysson's house for dinner. Work is a bitch right now. We'll be up in Austin this coming Saturday for a publisher's convention. Probably won't get to see you then, either, but I thought you'd like to know.
ReplyDeleteStop. Hammertime. Cracked me up so much I had to tell Ben. Cracked him up too.
Love always,
It gets better ... he also left a note on my keyboard in my office about batman watching me or something ... and hung a batman mask over my office door. Which is, you know, the coolest thing ever. I think I might wear it to work.
ReplyDeleteI also loved the easter visit. It was a great time with great family and I love kids so much I wish i were good with them. The best I could do was smile and let her cover my head in confetti. Hey, it's a start =)