As always, thanks to Roots and Rings for being a provider of Ten on Tuesday. These questions were super fun, enjoyed them much!
1. What is your idea of a great date?
One of the best dates I have ever been on with was with some guy from Houston, that we only had one date. We met for kebab wraps and had old fashioned coca cola near the water wall in Houston. Then we went to a starbucks to chat. Then we went to have dessert and Melting Pot and went out for drinks. It was a fun night, but didn't want to hang out with him again.
2. How long does it take you to get ready to go on a date?
Depends on what type of date it is. If I really go all out, it's an all day event. I start by curling my hair early in the day. Saturday Night we went out and I started getting ready at 4 and we left the house at 9. So yea... I take a long long time, but David always likes the results.
3. What would you wear on the date?
Depends on the date. I usually see where we are going and decide what he might wear and work with that. On Saturday, I pulled out a cute white top I haven't worn in a while. I felt it gave me a sweet southern girl type of look.
4. If you are married, how often do you go on dates? If you are single, when was your last date?
We make a point to go on a date at least once a week. Sometimes we will meet after work and talk and go out to a nice dinner or a place we have been wanting to try for a while. I am very happy with our dating life as a married couple.
5. What was your worst date?
Oh. This one is a doozy. It was Valentine's Day. I was stuck in another city and couldn't leave due to lack of vehicle for the time being. I met this nice guy, he was quiet. And I get a call from him and he says "Hey, since we are both single, I was wondering if I could take you to a nice place for dinner." I said, that would be great and he told me to dress fancy. So I did. He picked me up, took me back to his place to meet his mother who seemed very attached to her lazy boy recliner and her moo moo dress. Then he took me to this fancy restaurant. He took me to the Golden Corral. On Valentine's day. Then he spend the rest of the date crying about his past relationship. It was my own personal hell.
6. Do you/Did you kiss on your first date?
I do not kiss on the first date. My first date with David was great and ended at 5 in the morning. We spent the whole night talking. But when it was time to leave he leans and with his pouty lips and I pull back. I told him that I didn't kiss on the first date and that if he wanted a kiss he would have to take me out again. He then asked me out for another date. :)
7. If married, how long before you knew he/she was the one? If single, how long before you know if the person is marriage material?
The night we met. It was a blind date set up. I showed up and I was terrified, shaky and so nervous. He knew I was there to meet him and I knew he was there to meet me, but we played coy. When he finally sat next to me to talk, I immediately calmed down. After the bar closed we went to our friends house to hang and talk. I was hooked instantly. We enjoyed talking so much and his confidence just had me hooked. It was when we discussed the topic of religion and we both were able to state that we believe in different things, but talk about it like old friends, it hit me. This guy is perfect for me. And he has been since.
8. Do you prefer day dates or night dates?
I prefer later afternoon dates. Starting on a early night so you can do some day stuff and do some night stuff and then go home, watch a movie on the biggest tv screen and cuddle.
9. How old were you when you first were allowed to date?
I don't really remember. I'm sure I shouldn't have been dating but I had friends that were boys that I called boyfriends, but nothing ever happened when I was in Junior School. My first boyfriend my parents knew was was when I was in High School. I think I was a sophomore.
10. What is the most embarrassing moment you have had on a date?
I've had a couple. I remember saying good night on one date and he was in a big suburban. I opened the door, tell him I had a great night, accidentally call him by the wrong name and then fell out of the car instead of landing on my feet. Or the time I picked him up and I got lost and ended up 30 minutes out of the city and in the wrong way. Oh, and there was the one where I only brought a $20 in case I needed to take a cab back home and he expected me to pay for the while date... that was awkward.
it's been a good week
1 day ago