So I don't know why I talk about one subject for the daily blog and then totally go back on everything I said. Don't worry I did not smoke. But Yesterday was one hard day. I am trying to get a training done for a class I have on Monday, so working back and forth on my laptop is what you will find me doing right now.
But yesterday... yesterday was one hard day.
I have told you that I am trying to get healthier, well one thing that I worried that would be an issue was the fact that I have a lump in my right breast. It is a very scary thing to be a young woman and find a lump. I actually found it in the end of 2006. I didn't say anything to anyone because that is usually how I deal with it. So I finally came out and talked to my mom about it around March of 07. When I was living in San Antonio, I went to my OB-GYN and sure enough he noticed it too. So he sent me to a specialist. The only thing about this specific specialist is that there was a 2 month wait to see them. So because breast cancer just happen to strike my family twice within that year, my aunt recommended me to her specialist. I was able to get in immediately. And there it was, that lump. We went through the whole roller coaster of "Is it Cancer, is it not." Thankfully is was benign. I don't remember ever being more grateful of something. But we still had to get it taken out. So instead of them cutting me open, they did a in-office procedure where they basically stuck 2 needles in me and froze the lump. It was suppose to melt away in a year.
So a year came and went and the lump was still there. Then another year came by and my lumpy friend was still there. So I contacted the specialist, but since the year was up they would not be able to give me a free consultation. And I would have to drive to San Antonio to see her and pay. I thought it would just be better to find another doctor in Austin.
Enter Dr. Nunnley. Please trust me when I say do not go see Dr. Patrick Nunnley. He is very rude and very old fashioned when it comes to his practice. He doesn't seem to care about his patience and holds himself as if he is a medical god and that you need to curtsy when he walks in the room. Yea, I don't do well with that type of doctor and neither does David. So once I was able to change my insurance, I decided to go with a new doctor. Dr. Priscaru. She is AMAZING! I have never been so happy with a doctor. She has a strong accent which makes it hard to understand everything but I know that she respects me as a patient and wants the best for me as my doctor.
So after speaking with Priscaru, she was very adamant on me having the lump checked out immediately. So that is what I did yesterday. Again I went through the whole traumatic experience in getting a sonogram on my lump. Seeing it on the screen again was a little surprising. It actually looked bigger and was 100% black. the doctor at the imaging location was actually freaked out and immediately ordered a mammogram. I am not sure if you have ever had a mammogram, but that thing is terrifying! It's a huge machine and they gave me a metal apron to protect my ovaries. Seriously! How much radiation does this thing put out. So after this long appointment, they told me that I do not have cancer (duh!) and that the lump just crystallized from the previous procedure. That it will not cause any problems for me and that if I want it taken out I can, but it's not needed. So now it's a decision of whether or not I want it taken out. I will let you know when I decide.
But yesterday was hard. Looking back at yesterday, I don't think it was really about me being scared about what I was going through but the women around me. I sat in a waiting room with an apron on watching one woman after another getting a mammogram. It really is terrifying, especially when you have to be strong and do this by yourself. I think they need an open bar in the waiting room to ease the pain a little while your waiting in agony. But once I left and I got in my car, I called David and balled my eyes out. It was so stressful to go through and (crossing my fingers) they said if I don't notice nothing else, to come back when I am 40.
So now it is Friday. I didn't wake up early because it was really cold out and I was exhausted. But the exciting part about today is that we got new furniture!! I love it so so so much. I will take pictures and show you this weekend. But yes, very exciting. And know what else! I get to have lunch with my husband today! That's also really great! oh yea... and it's Friday!!! What What! Yea- so let me get my work on and I will celebrate my Friday, Cancer free and happy as can be!
Happy Friday Y'all!
it's been a good week
1 day ago
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