"Don't Quit Quitting" is what my co-worker, Bryan told me this morning. I went to work trying to be in the best mood I possibly could be in. I woke up early to work out and ended up waking up a little later. So instead of rushing to the gym and only getting in a 30 min work out, I decided to work out at home dancing my butt off to the Michael Jackson dance game (which is amazing!) I got the highest score to the dance of Thriller and felt my day already being awesome.
I went to pick up a co-worker I carpool with and had a great ride to work. Even squeezed in some time to get a yummy smoothie for breakfast. And the second I walked into work, one employee said that wrong thing to me with the wrong tone and then Angry Elizabeth with Nicotine craving came out. I was in a bad mood and did not want to be dealt with. So I went to my office to try to get some work done, but there are other people that work in my building and like to talk with their mouth all loud like in the next cube about work! I'm trying to work here! So I decided to move to my Training Room where no one knows where I am or can bother me. So far it's working really well for me. I have actually gotten a lot of work done and decided to take a mental health break to write in my blog.
But today is not comparing to yesterday. Yesterday was actually a lot easier for me than it was for David. We went to have breakfast at Ihop, that their customer service alone made me want to smoke a whole pack right there. Then I went shopping in San Marcos outlet centers and bought lots of fun stuff from Victoria's Secret. Everything was great til I got home.
I will be honest, the main thing that is keeping me from smoking is David. I know that if I give up then he will give up. It's a cause and effect. So he keeps me from smoking. But that doesn't mean I have to like him while I am giving up smoking. We get on each others nerves worse than we ever have before.
Any little thing that would usually lead to a joke or a chuckle is just turning us into a boxing match. So we take our punches and snap at each other, but when we go into our corners we remember what is happening to us and declare our love for each other before we start dueling it out again. The only thing that reminds me why is because we are so comfortable with being ourselves in front of each other; if I am going to take it out on anyone its going to be him because I know he loves me and can calm me down. And that's what he usually does. While we snip at each other logic will come out of the other one and then we realize what is really going on (nicotine withdrawal) and then we calm down.
But so far we have 2 days down and the rest of our lives to go. I know we can do it and one day I wont think about having a smoke a million times a day. I think one of the hardest part is that after the weekend I have had to to remove myself from my friends because they smoke. I know I am not strong enough to stand on my own and avoid temptation, so I avoid it. This little adventure will show a lot about myself and I keep approaching it with as much positivity that I can find.
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