So like I said on the last post that David and I bought furniture and it arrived on Friday, but now is the point where I show you the furniture. Before we get into the show and tell, I do want to point out that I love my house. It is a fantastic house and I have taken my time in regard to adding new things into my home. I consider every piece out to make sure it fits well. I usually have a hard time taking advice to what to do to my home, because the initial idea is already set and if I bring up the idea, it's because I want affirmation that my idea is the right one.
So that is why I do not have curtains up. That is why I do not have paint on the walls. And that is why I do not have art or pictures up on the wall as well. Every single little piece needs to be thought out. So please ignore the bare and enjoy the furniture!

This is the main view from the stairs. You will see that we have a whole set. I wish we got a deal on the 'set' but we ended up buying each piece for what is was worth since it really ended up being a better price. And with a 92 in screen from the projector, we really don't need an added T.V. console.

Here is the couch. It is really so comfortable. We make jokes about how it is such a big piece of furniture that when you sit in it, your feet dangle off the edge and you can't touch the floor. I also watched a movie with a friend and David last night. My friend, Ryan and I sat on the this couch and we were both able to lay out comfortable and still avoid getting in the others space. You will also notice our amazing coffee table. The glass in the middle is actually 'shattered glass". Yea, I know. It looks wonderful! It's this new technology where they have the glass shattered in the middle. Thankfully it's very tough glass and I love how it looks when the light hits it from the outside.

Here is the love seat. I think if we were to measure this out, it would be the same length as the couch we had before. Also very comfortable. You might also notice that it have a end table next to it as well.

And this is David's favorite piece of furniture. He has already claimed it as his. It is a "over-sized" chair. I think the word over-sized is an understatement. This thing is huge! It is so big it makes my manly husband look like a 5 year old. He tries to sit in the middle, but the only thing about that is if you sit in the middle, you can not reach anything on the end table next to you. It is also so big, we didn't expect the size of it and we had to push it farther away from the couch so there would be room to walk and move around. David loves it and I enjoy that I can sneak in and snuggle with him and both of us happen to fit on it comfortably.
So there is our furniture. Other adventure of this weekend are really nothing new or crazy. But here is a recap of what happened so you feel included in my fun, crazy life.
1) I went to happy hour with friends on Friday and David had to drive me home because I was too 'happy'
2) It's really hard not to smoke when you have a drink
3) We got to watch Toy Story 3 with our friend Pata, and of course I cried while watching.
4) We took Pata to the new Greek place next to our house. I love Greek food. I could eat it everyday.
5) I ran into an old co-worker on Saturday night and that was shocking and interesting.
6) I woke up super late on Sunday, but just in time to meet friends for sushi.
7) While I was eating Susi, I ending up cutting myself from the tail of the shrimp. It actually hurts really bad and now I have a band-aid on it.
8) Who gets hurt my a dead shrimp!?! Only me, I guess.
9) David and I went grocery shopping and he complained the entire time of his disappointment of what society as a whole as come to.
10) We like having semi-intelligent conversation while shopping for corn flakes.
11) I made my mom's special meatloaf last night for dinner
12) After 2 heads of garlic, the food could still have used more garlic
13) I saw The Wiz for the first time ever and realized how much I enjoy Richard Pryor.
14) Diana Ross really creeps me out.
15) When I go home today, my goal is to fold laundry and clean my bedroom. I will let you know how that turns out.
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