Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

These are starting to get fun! Hope you enjoy!

1. How do you take your coffee on an average day? How do you like your coffee if you’re spluging?
Coffee at work is with 1 Splenda, 1 Sweet N Low and one creamer. If I am at starbucks - Triple, Grande, Sugar Free Vanilla, Non-Fat, 2 Sweet N Lows, at 140 degrees, latte. I know I'm picky.

2. What is your genre of books to read?
I've tried different things - but my favorite are sappy strong female stories.

3. Where do you want to retire, if you could go anywhere?
Out of the country would best. The kids could all get scholarships and go away to school and David and I could move to some place wonderful, like Spain or Costa Rica.

4. The 17-year-old you is told to write a 10-minute speech. What topic would you have picked?
Some provocative. I enjoyed pushing my limits and make some people feel uncomfortable with my work.

5. What word describes you best?

6. What is the next “event” that you are looking forward to? (ex.: vacation, moving, date, job change, etc)
David and I are in the process of buying a house. If things go well we can be closing this month. That would be something wonderful!

7. Do you like to discuss controversial topics or do you prefer to avoid those types of conversations?
I love controversial topics, because I tend to hang out with people that just talk and keep their cool on the subject. Those happen to be some of the best conversations I have ever had and has really helped me learn more about my friends.

8. Would you rather add 4 free hours to each day, or add 1 extra day to the week?
I would enjoy 4 extra free hours a day. That would be so great to be able to enjoy more time with my hubby.

9. If you created a sports team; what would your colors and mascot be?
The Unicorns!! And the colors would be the colors of the rainbow!! Hooray!

10. If you had to be a teacher, what subject would you teach?
Child Education. It just so happens to be the subject that I know most about- honestly I do. I don't know how many times i have explained why or how is the best way to handle situations with growth development of a child.

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