I forgot how hard it really is to keep up with a blog and have something to write about. So I went on a magical trip through the blog world and found this thing called Ten on Tuesday. I don't know who any of these people are that participate in it, but thought I would give them a chance and try it out. So here we are... Ten on Tuesday!
It was horrible. If you are kidnapped and forced to watch this as punishment, just stare at the ceiling and sing 99 beers on the wall in your head. It's the only way to save you.
2. Do you have a favorite Disney/Pixar film?
That's a very hard question- but the movie that I will love with all of my heart til the day I die is... Cinderella.
"Cinderella! Cinderella! Night and Day - It's Cinderella!"
A fun side note - The voice for Cinderella died on my birthday this year. Her name was Ilene Woods and now that I am typing this out- I'm not really seeing this as a fun fact anymore.
3. Do you have a favorite movie from the 80′s?
Ummm... what movie isn't my favorite from the 80's!! Hand's down in love with Molly Ringwald. But if I had to pick one that I could watch over and over again and not get tired of it....Most likely Sixteen Candles. It was light, funny and easily quotable.
No. I find the cinema a complete waste of money and a way for corporations to push money to be spent on pointless things. Why watch a movie in a cold cinema with strangers, when we can download illegally and watch on our HD projector? I choose projector.
5. What is one city/area of the US (or country you live if you do not live in the US) that you have not seen but would like to see?
I have always wanted to visit Seattle. I want to eat some seafood, have some coffee and yell out "Yogurt Guys" to the Yuppies at the Market.
6. What are your favorite toppings on an Ice Cream Sundae?
I am on a diet. Please do not bring up the idea of Ice Cream or candy or chocolate. Thank you.
7. How many proms did you go to? What color was your prom dress? If you went to muliple proms, what color was your favorite prom dress?
I think I went to 3. The first one was Senior Party and I had a cute dark blue dress. The Second was Senior Party and I have this gorgeous Jessica McClintock. And the Last one was my actual Senior Prom. I took my friend Chris since he was home schooled. It was theme prom "Couples Throughout Time" - super lame.. anyway I had this beautiful Southern Belle Ballgown (I was in love with Gone with the Wind) and Chris wore a costume for George Washington. It didn't make sense but it was still fun.

8. Is there a sport or extra-curricular activity that you didn’t get to try as a child that you wish you would have? (e.g. gymnastics, piano lessons, ballet, etc.)
I took Piano lessons when I was younger. I was actually pretty good at it, but I didn't want to perform- and my teacher wouldn't let me just do piano lessons without participating in the recital. So I quit. I just wanted to play music- not show off. And I did Dance lessons. I wish I started that sooner. And I wish that I started Hula Hooping sooner. That has changed my world!
I have 1 wonderfully annoying little brother. He's younger than me- so I will wait until the maturity and realizations start dropping in- but until then, I enjoy his company since he lives in San Antonio.

10. Do you feel like you fit in with your age group? Or do you feel younger/older than your age group?
Growing up, I have always had people guess my age older than I really am. It's something I take proud in. I believe I am an old soul, and my grandmother, Annie, said it best that I am probably on my 6th or 7th life. I honestly really enjoy having those other lives under my belt.
My best friend does ten on Tuesday, same questions too. Love the blog... I need to update mine. I went a whole year with nothing and then posted, I gave birth to our son... sad. I love reading yours though while I take a break at work, so know you have an audience: )
ReplyDeleteHave you read the pioneer woman blog. When I read hers it reminds me of you. She loves to cook and she is a photographer so she has awesome pictures of her food. You should check her out if you haven't.
Thanks for the great read, have a wonderful day.
Thanks for the comment. I felt the only people who ever read was David and my mother. I will have to check it out. Now all I do is sit behind a computer and try to fix stuff. I love it, but have so much time on my hands - I actually came across the Rings blog through someone I went to high school with. Her blog is from Germany- I really enjoy hearing about her travels. I believe it's SoJo & Co. Thanks again, and congrats on the little one!