Here's what you missed...
David and I like to meet up with friends and go to 'Dinner Night' where we have a pot luck meal and everyone brings something- and it is all so good! For the first time, I made a tiramisu cake. David made his delicious Lasagna. Mmmmm - makes my mouth water just thinking about it!

That was a good time.
Another post I would have posted if I was blogging would have been about my adventure with my friend Pata to Hobby Lobby. I call her Pata and she calls me Bear. (It's a long story) So we went to Hobby Lobby on a rainy day with nothing to do - and we had a blast!

Did you see that? I was a queen for a day!
Next adventure landed me downtown with my old friend Kelly. It was our first time to 6th street together so I thought I would make it memorable. I bought a over-sized afro wig for a friend's Big Dirty 30 party and have worked very hard to keep it in good condition. So we all head to downtown with my crazy self. I swear, I love to wear that afro. I think I was in Black Panthers in my previous life. It just fits me so well!

Oh - and before I forget from the cold months around - It was Mardi Gras and Copland and Johnny got beads. They really liked that so much! We tried to teach them how to respect themselves - but they just really didn't care. They wanted those Mardi Gras Beads!

Oh yeah... and we threw a surprise birthday party for our friend Sean. We got him cookie cake and a pinata and toys and balloons!

... And David and I went on a trip to Houston. We got to go see the Astros play! It was super fun to go with David to his 1st baseball game ever! Can you believe that!! First game ever!

And wouldn't you know it! When we still kiss we still see fireworks!
The last thing on the list of what we have been able to do is throw a benefit for our friend Bryan. He had a nasty fall while on vacation and has worked so hard to get back in working condition. He is actually coming back to work this week and we are very excited to welcome him back! David and I were able to put together 2 great events! The first was at Plucker's where we got the place to donate 20% of food sales. We ended up getting a nice amount. Then we threw a larger party at a local bar with lots of prizes. We raised so much and were so happy to help out Bryan and his wife Amy with all of their medical bills. It was a great thing to be able to work with my husband and get something so amazing done.

So that is what the Balentine household has been up to. I'm sure if I ever talk with you - you probably already know about everything that we have done. But just to cover everything at once and not make 8 posts, I thought I could be efficient and kill 2 birds with 1 stone. I promise this time I will start to keep people in the loop and continue with my blog. If I fall off the bandwagon and stop - just complain to my mom and I am sure I will hear something about it soon!
Thanks for stopping by! See you around next time!

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