Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ten On Tuesday.

Sorry I am posting this on Wednesday. I have been so busy recently with the new job and all, sometimes I have to remind myself to breathe. So Very Very excited to answer these, since these are questions that I send in! Hooray!

1. Growing up, what was one favorite item that you had to have with you at all times?
My Teddy Bear, Beary. He was will me all the time. I chewed off his red bow tie. He would go with me every where. And when I left him in the valley for a wedding, I lost it the first night and believe I cried myself to sleep.

2. Being an adult, what is one favorite item that you have to have with you at all times, and what happens if you do not have it with you? Do you lose your sanity or just go back home to get it?
My purse. I need an ID, Credit Card, Phone, and Keys. I can not be without everything, so I will always have my purse with me or know exactly where I left it.

3. Where is your favorite place to be to just hide away from everything and breathe for a moment?
My backyard. The view is amazing. I mean really amazing. I just sit there and get lost. And at night I just lay there and stare at the stars. It's a wonderful magical place.

4. What is your favorite thing about your partner? (If you don’t have a partner, then someone who is very close and will always be in your life)
That he loves me no matter what. He really does love me so much that all he wants in return is a smile and to know that he is the one who is making me happy. I adore him for his patience and that fact that I can always be myself around him 100%.

5. What is your favorite thing about your job? (If you don’t have a job, then what is your favorite thing that you do during your day?)
That I now get to help my department and implement change. I can make something better.

6. What is your favorite lesson that your parents taught you growing up? Looking back, is it something that you want to use to teach your children when they reach that age?
My mom taught me to believe in myself. And my dad taught me to work hard for what I want. With two of those fancy lessons I am now doing the job that I was meant to do, and I enjoy it so much.

7. What is your favorite song, that will always bring a smile to your face and make you think of something happy?
Little Wing. Stevie Ray Vaughn or Jimi Hendrix style.

8. What is your favorite things about being an American? (If you not American, what are you proud of in regards to your country)
That if I want to stand on a soap box and yell out what I believe, I have the absolute right to do so.

9. What is your favorite meal that reminds you of being a child?
Tuna and Popcorn with Sweet Tea.

10. Name 3 things that other people would say are their favorite thing about you.
That I am honest. I am true. And I am happy.

Friday, September 24, 2010

We bought a House!!

It's official! We just got a call from the Realtor, the funding went through and we just got the call a few minutes ago. We are so excited and I am on my way to the house right now to get some cleaning done while David stays home and packs.
So off I go and can't wait to inform you more!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Who counts chicken's anyway?

So I have been trying to hide out. I have avoided this blog like the plague. And the only reason is because good news is on the way. And I have known about this good news for a while, but let's just be honest here. You should be blaming my mother for not letting me tell you anything.

Reasons being since she decided to ingrain into my head that I can not count my chicken's before they hatch.The way I learned that lesson as a child was due to a raffle done at the end of every six weeks in Junior School. The last raffle that was done of the school year was a bike. And I knew that I would win it. I talked about where I would ride my bike when I won it and how jealous everyone would be of me. And did I win the bike? NO! I won a gift certificate to T.C.B.Y.! And I don't even like frozen yogurt! So that was a bust and since then I really try to not "count my chickens before they hatch."

So since then, I will keep mum about things. But on Thursday morning, our news will be official. And also on Monday morning. And I'm sure there will be other things to announce as well. But those are the 2 biggest things right now in our life.
So until Thursday, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!