I have been talking about this for some past posts and it's time to finally brag about it...
So David and I got married quickly. There really is no hiding that, but when you know, you know! So for our wedding I wanted to hire a professional photographer but a family member of my mother's has had a hobby of photographer and had already offered to take the pictures and my mother kindly accepted. I understand the reason for it and for me all I wanted was to get married but after the wedding had happened, David and I were able to see the pictures. I don't think I have ever seen such horrible pictures before. I have worked in the photography field for awile to know that the pictures that were handed to me where the exact pictures a good photographer are taught to not give to a bride. It saddens me at the fact that the only good picture I have of our wedding was one taken by a camera phone. And there is no way to go back and fix it. So instead of just having that as a constant reminder, I decided it was time for David and I to finally get real pictures taken. I had been looking for a while of what I wanted and I thought maybe the best way to handle was to post on craigslist. I do have to say that was the easiest way for me to find what I was looking for. I had emails coming in of all different types of photographers and that is how I came across Katie. Her pictures really stuck out and grabbed my attention. I love how her site was set up and she really was exactly everything I was looking for. Shutterbug Photography is her company and she has a great eye. So I emailed her back and we got in touch of when we wanted to set up. We had planned for a Sunday at 4:30 at Mayfield park. It's a great site but only one problem, when we got to the location, there was a wedding. Katie was so sweet and still offered to try to take shots around the wedding, but i knew it would be too difficult and wanted to enjoy our session so we re-booked. We planned to meet the Saturday before Easter and it was one of the most enjoyable sessions I have ever had. I was so great to talk to her about photography and tell her more about ourselves. She did such a great job about making us feel more comfortable and she just had a really good way of working with us.

After the session we headed to San Antonio and by the night I had gotten 4 samples of pictures that she had taken. I couldn't have been more blown away. I probably showed everyone and their mother on Sunday of one of the samples. I enjoyed every moment of our shoot and even though I would love to show you every picture we got, I still have to save some for possible gifts, since everyone wants a picture of us.

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