Sorry I haven’t written in a while, I was in Chicago for my brother’s graduation from Navy Bootcamp (Hoo-Yah) and when I got back I got overloaded with work. So I am trying to catch up, but don’t you worry, I will be back on a regular basis very soon.
This post is a letter to my future self. Only time will tell if it does any good.
Dear Future Elizabeth,
Yes, one day you will have a child and it will be the light of your eye, but it is important to remember just a few things so you don’t become someone that you can’t stand. First, your child is not a genius, yet. Yes, there is full hope for your child to be at the top of their class and earn a scholarship to Ivy League and Cure Cancer and Aids and Diabetes, but as of now, your child’s job is to cry, eat, sleep and poop. It doesn’t take a genius to do that.
Second, it is not the greatest most amazing thing in the world when your child ruins a diaper. It really isn’t, and you know you can’t argue. Unless your child poops out nuggets of gold, they are just like every other kid. Don’t you remember when you were on the plane and the new parents behind you were throwing a party parade for their kid taking a dump? Yea, you aren’t that person.
Third, you don’t need every advertised thing on the planet to raise your kid. I am sure this is something that David will agree with in full and probably will be the hardest thing that you have to realize, but people have been raising children forever, without a specific blanket or toy or chair. It may help, but do you really want an item or product to be the reason you have a great kid, or do you want the reason to be you?
Fourth, put down the camera phone and take an actual picture with your camera. You are a good photographer; you have an art that some people strive for. Go get the camera, place the setting up, because you know how to do shots for infants, and then you take the best damn pictures anyone has ever seen. And understand that your kid will have a signature face, but that doesn’t mean you have to take the exact same picture 100 times. You should know better than that, and if you have the picture you want, put the camera down and enjoy your time with you little one while they are little.
Fifth, don’t forget to take video and to send it to your mother. I am sure there will be many requests for this when you have a child.
Sixth, nothing bad is going to happen if you are not with your child for longer than 10 minutes. I can see how this would be something really difficult for you, but I know you can overcome it. You husband will love that child just as much as you and even if he doesn’t have as much experience as you hold under your belt, it doesn’t mean he won’t love it as much or even try as hard. David will be a great dad, and you know you can’t argue with that.
Seventh, don’t forget to go play with your dogs. Before you had a kid you would go hang out with them every day after work. They haven’t forgot how they have been there for you when you needed them. So just remember to spend a little time with them to remind them how important they are to you.
Eighth, if you are having a really hard time keeping up with the house, it is ok to save up for a maid. You know you can afford it if you strive for it. Don’t feel pressured to be perfect to keep that big house up. Your most important job requires love, not a rag.
Ninth, don’t forget your goals. You are still a person with wants and it’s the goals that you place in front of you that always keeps you moving.
Tenth, go give your husband a kiss.
So there you go, future Elizabeth. There was a time when it was just you and David and you two were happy as could be, but one day you will have a kid and I am sure you will be wanting to pull your hair out because you don’t know what to do. I hope you remember that you wrote this for yourself, because I really think there is some good advice in here for you. And don’t worry, tonight you are going to go have a beer and hoop. There was a good solid time where you had carefree fun all the time. You’ll get that fun back one day.
Your past self.
it's been a good week
1 day ago
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