Thursday, May 26, 2011
A letter to myself.
This post is a letter to my future self. Only time will tell if it does any good.
Dear Future Elizabeth,
Yes, one day you will have a child and it will be the light of your eye, but it is important to remember just a few things so you don’t become someone that you can’t stand. First, your child is not a genius, yet. Yes, there is full hope for your child to be at the top of their class and earn a scholarship to Ivy League and Cure Cancer and Aids and Diabetes, but as of now, your child’s job is to cry, eat, sleep and poop. It doesn’t take a genius to do that.
Second, it is not the greatest most amazing thing in the world when your child ruins a diaper. It really isn’t, and you know you can’t argue. Unless your child poops out nuggets of gold, they are just like every other kid. Don’t you remember when you were on the plane and the new parents behind you were throwing a party parade for their kid taking a dump? Yea, you aren’t that person.
Third, you don’t need every advertised thing on the planet to raise your kid. I am sure this is something that David will agree with in full and probably will be the hardest thing that you have to realize, but people have been raising children forever, without a specific blanket or toy or chair. It may help, but do you really want an item or product to be the reason you have a great kid, or do you want the reason to be you?
Fourth, put down the camera phone and take an actual picture with your camera. You are a good photographer; you have an art that some people strive for. Go get the camera, place the setting up, because you know how to do shots for infants, and then you take the best damn pictures anyone has ever seen. And understand that your kid will have a signature face, but that doesn’t mean you have to take the exact same picture 100 times. You should know better than that, and if you have the picture you want, put the camera down and enjoy your time with you little one while they are little.
Fifth, don’t forget to take video and to send it to your mother. I am sure there will be many requests for this when you have a child.
Sixth, nothing bad is going to happen if you are not with your child for longer than 10 minutes. I can see how this would be something really difficult for you, but I know you can overcome it. You husband will love that child just as much as you and even if he doesn’t have as much experience as you hold under your belt, it doesn’t mean he won’t love it as much or even try as hard. David will be a great dad, and you know you can’t argue with that.
Seventh, don’t forget to go play with your dogs. Before you had a kid you would go hang out with them every day after work. They haven’t forgot how they have been there for you when you needed them. So just remember to spend a little time with them to remind them how important they are to you.
Eighth, if you are having a really hard time keeping up with the house, it is ok to save up for a maid. You know you can afford it if you strive for it. Don’t feel pressured to be perfect to keep that big house up. Your most important job requires love, not a rag.
Ninth, don’t forget your goals. You are still a person with wants and it’s the goals that you place in front of you that always keeps you moving.
Tenth, go give your husband a kiss.
So there you go, future Elizabeth. There was a time when it was just you and David and you two were happy as could be, but one day you will have a kid and I am sure you will be wanting to pull your hair out because you don’t know what to do. I hope you remember that you wrote this for yourself, because I really think there is some good advice in here for you. And don’t worry, tonight you are going to go have a beer and hoop. There was a good solid time where you had carefree fun all the time. You’ll get that fun back one day.
Your past self.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Madre Day
This past mother’s day was such a great one, the only thing that we were missing was my little brother who is now in the Navy. But the weekend itself was really filled with a lot to do. On Friday night, I had to go into work to take care of a new ticketing system that we were releasing so going into work at 10 pm and staying up til 7 was not an easy task at all. I ended up going home and only being able to sleep til about 11 am. Let’s just say I was a Zombie on Saturday. But I held my cravings for brains since David’s Godson and his parents and our very good friends Pat and April came in town. I absolutely adore their little boy Trey, and if I do say so myself, he is just a cute little kid. I know that at some point people wonder what their future child will look like, but if we have a kid that is as cute as Trey, I am sure we would have the cutest baby ever. So we got to see them on Saturday and then head over to our friend’s Jon and Ben’s housewarming / birthday party. It was a nice time and we enjoyed ourselves, but only to head home around midnight because I really couldn’t stay up any longer. Sunday I was able to get a little bit more sleep to wake up and get ready to head to San Antonio. We packed the car up with presents and then headed our way in. We went to our parents place first and my Dad had decided to bar b que and boy does he know how to grill some meat.
But this Mother’s Day was really important to me, because for the first time in my life, I was able to do financially well for myself to save up and buy my mother a purse, but of course I wouldn’t buy her just any purse, so I got her a Dooney And Burke. I think I was more excited to give it to her than she was to get it herself. I was just beyond excited when it came time for presents. I wanted her to know that she really did deserve this and that it was my way of thanking her for being my mom. I was also lucky enough to have my Ma there and David and I gave her a lovely picture of us *Thanks Shutterbug!*
Also, for those that know me well, you know that my grandmother on my mom’s side passed away a bit ago and even though I still keep her in my heart, I have been very lucky to be given another grandmother in my life. It really is a long story of how that came across but my dad has had a best friend for most of his life, his best friend’s mother has really become part of our family and life has given me another grandmother. I love her so much and her name is Mrs. Rice. It really was the best thing ever to have her there for Mother’s day and I also got her a gift to thank her for being part of my life.
After a lovely lunch and catch up we went to go see David’s parents and celebrate Mother’s Day with his mother as well, but due to my crazy zombie schedule that I had no recovered from yet, we had to head home. But this Mother’s day really was such a lovely one. As much as David and I are looking forward to on becoming parents I know that becoming a Mother is something that will happen in my own time, but to understand the love of a child to a mother is something I am so grateful I have been able to fully understand before I become a parent, because by having such a great mom like mine, I can only hope I love my children as much as she loved me.
If I should have a daughter.
If I should have a daughter, instead of Mom, she's gonna call me Point B, because that way she knows that no matter what happens, at least she can always find her way to me. And I'm going to paint solar systems on the backs of her hands, so she has to learn the entire universe before she can say, "Oh, I know that like the back of my hand." And she's going to learn that this life will hit you hard in the face, wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach. But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air. There is hurt here that cannot be fixed by Band-Aids or poetry. So the first time she realizes that Wonder Woman isn't coming, I'll make sure she knows she doesn't have to wear the cape all by herself. Because no matter how wide you stretch your fingers, your hands will always be too small to catch all the pain you want to heal. Believe me, I've tried. "And, baby," I'll tell her, don't keep your nose up in the air like that. I know that trick; I've done it a million times. You're just smelling for smoke so you can follow the trail back to a burning house, so you can find the boy who lost everything in the fire to see if you can save him. Or else find the boy who lit the fire in the first place, to see if you can change him." But I know she will anyway, so instead I'll always keep an extra supply of chocolate and rain boots nearby, because there is no heartbreak that chocolate can't fix. Okay, there's a few heartbreaks that chocolate can't fix. But that's what the rain boots are for. Because rain will wash away everything, if you let it. I want her to look at the world through the underside of a glass-bottom boat, to look through a microscope at the galaxies that exist on the pinpoint of a human mind, because that's the way my mom taught me. That there'll be days like this. ♫ There'll be days like this, my momma said. ♫ When you open your hands to catch and wind up with only blisters and bruises; when you step out of the phone booth and try to fly and the very people you want to save are the ones standing on your cape; when your boots will fill with rain, and you'll be up to your knees in disappointment. And those are the very days you have all the more reason to say thank you. Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's swept away. You will put the wind in winsome, lose some. You will put the star in starting over, and over. And no matter how many land mines erupt in a minute, be sure your mind lands on the beauty of this funny place called life. And yes, on a scale from one to over-trusting, I am pretty damn naive. But I want her to know that this world is made out of sugar. It can crumble so easily, but don't be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it. "Baby," I'll tell her, "remember, your momma is a worrier, and your poppa is a warrior, and you are the girl with small hands and big eyes who never stops asking for more." Remember that good things come in threes and so do bad things. And always apologize when you've done something wrong. But don't you ever apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shining. Your voice is small, but don't ever stop singing. And when they finally hand you heartache, when they slip war and hatred under your door and offer you handouts on street-corners of cynicism and defeat, you tell them that they really ought to meet your mother.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Wicked YouTube Video Wednesday
Even Darth Vader has a little spicy in him
If you feel like having a smile and small tear fall from your eye, go ahead and watch this
Mitch Hedberg
I'm not voting for Newt p.s.- the guy in the end is really really creey
what can I say, I love dogs
Impromptu jousting I could handle
I am terrified of tornadoes
Someone believes in you.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Wicked YouTube Video Wednesday
Awesome Comic but with Balloons. Yes. I know. Balloons.
How Could you not want a kitty after watching this.
So Beyonce is part of this Anti-Obesity campaign for kids. This is really awesome.
Ever wondered what happened when you put an Ivory Bar Soap in a Microwave?
This is pretty awesome. I've done this with a Large Chopping Knife
This might be one of the cutest things ever!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Why I hate Sex and The City 2.

I remember being a teenager and finding this random show on HBO, called ‘Sex and the City.’ I honestly started in the 3rd Season and it just sort of took off from there. I remember watching in somewhat secrecy because I had no idea how my mom would actually handle me watching a show with the word Sex in it. But I loved that show with all of my heart and I remember every Sunday Night sitting in my room and just waiting to see what would happen to give me a 30 minute fix for the rest of the week.

Conversation always arose from this popular show and only one I distinctly remember. “Elizabeth, which character are you?” “Oh, I’m a Charlotte.” I said. “No you’re not.” “What? Yes, I am totally a Charlotte.” “No, you’re all of them.”
That is when it hit me. The reason this show was so amazing was because there was a Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte in every woman. That’s why this show was such a cash cow! That’s why I had to watch because every episode I found something to relate to it with. And then the last season came…

It’s almost as they were taking you down this lovely road for a fancy afternoon picnic, against your own will. You didn’t want to follow along, you didn’t trust where they were taking you, but you went along with it. And then bam, they gave you what you wanted. Everyone ended up happy and all women and gay men could rejoice and sing that it ended happily.
And then someone got greedy. It wasn’t long until rumors of the Sex and the City movie where coming out. I could go along with it, it had been a while, I wanted to see just as everyone else what had been happening in their lives. So I saw it, it was ok but I thought it was alright. And then came the second movie. And that is when the end of world started.

Sex and the City used to be a show about the strength and love of a woman, how she could always endure but leave the room with her head held high and a great smile. It was an amazing story of ‘making it on your own’ *scene to Mary Tyler Moore throwing her hat in the air* and being courageous in this big bad world. But no, people are bored of that, so what do we need to portray? Why, how about a woman that had depend on a man. How about we take our strong powerful characters and have them complain about everything under the sun! It just became too much. And honestly, if I had a nanny and a housekeeper and was able to buy any Prada, Coach, or Louie purses and shoes that I wanted, I would find it really hard to ever complain about anything. It’s women that can’t just stop and be happy for one second, seriously! I paid almost $10 to see them complain and I am suppose to pay that again to see the second?

I tried as long as I could to not let anyone convince me to see it, but eventually it got to me and I had to see it. I regret it every day. I wish I never listened to it. (I hold my foot down on things sometimes, I still haven’t listened to a Justin Beiber song yet) But alas, I have seen it. I can not un do it. But please, take a moment to remind yourself if you decide to watch what network cable has called itself an episode of this crap, just avoid it. It’s not what it used to be and it probably will never be back that that. I hate to be the one to break the news to you on it, but Sex and the City is dead.
Ten on Tuesday
I used to always have an answer for this question, but the question alone makes me really depressed because I would quickly hate that movie. But if I have to pick one…. Can I just say ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’, yeah that sounds good.
2. Let’s say someone wrote a screenplay about you; what actor/actress would you choose to play you and why?
Elizabeth Taylor. The Early years, I think that would do my story justice.
3. What’s the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?
That’s a great question, I can’t remember. My dad used to take me to movies all the time growing up. For some reason I distinctly remember watching the movie ‘Big’ before I was 4. That is when my love for Tom Hanks started.
4. Did you ever make out at the back of a movie theater in middle school/high school?
Hahaha. Yes, I remember one where I went on a date and the guy took me to go see ‘Jacob the Liar’, it’s a movie about Jewish Life in the ghetto during Nazi Regime. I cried so hard, that poor guy never had a chance.
5. Are you a Netflix-er, Blockbuster-er or a Redbox-er? (Or none of the above?)
Um, yea… none of the above. I really don’t understand why anyone does those anymore. We ‘borrow’ movies and we get to watch lots and lots of things that aren’t even on DVD yet.
6. Name one actor/actress who you would give anything to have a dinner date with.
TOM HANKS. I would laugh at his jokes, nickname him T.Hanks and we would talk for hours while gazing into each other’s eyes. The end of night would be hard since he would realize that we were true loves destined to be with each other, he would offer me everything I ever wanted, but alas I would break his heart and leave the end of the night to be with my husband… but I would always remember T.Hanks and the memories.
7. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
Sex and the City 2. I probably should write it’s own blog for that… and you know what, I will. Of how Sex and City gave me hope as a woman that things will always get better in my life and then out of now where they just dropped a piano on me. It was a disgusting horrible movie and they should all be banned from this country.
8. Do you sneak snacks into the theater when you go?
No. The only thing I eat is popcorn. I love popcorn. It is the greatest thing ever. I am obsessed.
9. Movie theater popcorn: love or hate it?
Once in a blue moon. It’s to heavy to eat. Air popped or over the stove homemade is the way to go.
10. What is the all-time best Disney movie in your opinion?
It’s a tie. Cinderella or Beauty and the Beast. Probably Beauty and the Beast. *Sigh* :D
Friday, May 6, 2011

Thursday Night, David and I went out to celebrate one of our friend's birthdays. We got out there and had the normal conversation and catch up with the rest of our friends. But then at the end of the night I found myself at a separate table from the rest of the group with just a few friends. My very dear friend, Jessica and I just started randomly singing Beatles songs. Yep, just out of no where singing Beatles songs. And then what happened? More people started singing Beatles songs. Then there came a point where we were singing at the top of our lungs just trying to remember any lyrics to any song with bystanders cheering on. I don't think I have every had so much fun just singing with my friends. It became such a fun thing that David and I were singing and then he stopped, looked at me and asked, do you want to go home and watch 'Across the Universe'? Without any hesitation, I jumped up said yes with the biggest smile on my face and ran around to say my goodbyes. We got home, turned the projector on and watched one of the greatest Beatles tributes movies ever. Not only did we watch the whole thing, but I found it very necessary to tweet and post on facebook of every song we were singing. So I leave you with just a few of the songs we sang last night, but i do have to recommend, that if you ever have a chance to hold an impromptu sing-a-long of The Beatles, take it. You won't ever regret it.
"What would you do if I sang out of tune, would you stand up and walk out on me."
"Happiness is a warm gun." :)
"All you need is Love, Love is all you need."
By the way, it was no easy at all to pick those. My advice is to go find the movie 'Across the Universe' and then you can thank me later.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Wicked YouTube Video Wednesday
This is a very sweet story and it just reminds me that it is up to us to share stories of our loved ones that are no longer here. I think about my Annie and Papa every day and I look forward to sharing their stories with you soon.
No More Questions! from StoryCorps on Vimeo.
If you know anything about me then you would know that I stand for human rights. And to me it doesnt matter who you love. You should love in your life. And this is a really great statement. So please, take a listen because maybe you can see what I and many other people see.This guy is really, really excited to be an American.
And in case you missed it, Jon Stewarts take on the Osama Bin Laden
Imagine your coming to your death. Can't? Well he can tell you what its like. And what happens when you cheat death.
Ten on Tuesday
1. What is the weather like in your city today?
It is cold. I was just talking to a coworker yesterday that on Saturday I wore shorts and now it’s cold. Right now it is 50 degrees and the high today is a 74. And it’s May! Seriously? Yes, May!
2. Do you like the zoo?
I love the zoo. The one is Austin is a little, humph. I wouldn’t go, but the one in San Antonio is pretty great. My favorite animal is the elephant. I love to watch the elephant!
3. Do you eat coconut?
I hate coconut. The flavor, the texture, really everything about it. I hate it so much! I tried a drink with coconut, it didn’t take long before I just gave up and threw it away.
4. Have you ever hammered a nail? Are you good at it?
I used to be really good a hammering nails. At least I think I was. I bet if you ask my dad, he might disagree. But I got that nail in! Now, I have a wonderful husband that will hammer in the rest of my nails so I won’t have to.
5. Does your family have a vacation destination that you visit often?
Not really. One of my favorite things about my childhood was that we would go on a vacation about once every 2 years. My dad would plan out the whole thing and take us and let us see everything. I always appreciated it and looking back I appreciate it even more.
6. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Two. I always have to have 2. David also sleeps with 2. He could probably sleep with one or none, but he knows I need to have two.
7. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Go to the bathroom.
8. Will you send your kids to summer camp?
I would like to. I went to a camp once and looking back it was fun but I wish I went to more. I think it would be a great memory for them to have with their siblings and friends.
9. What do you put in your baked potatoes?
I don’t really eat baked potatoes. I could probably count on one hand how many baked potatoes I have eaten. But when I do eat baked potatoes, I like to have them with everything on them. Not item is spared on my potatoes.
10. Did you take swimming lessons as a kid?
I did. When I was 5. I remember being so excited about it because I was a big girl and I was going to learn how to swim! And then I remember being sad that my class was over because that meant I couldn’t swim anymore I really love being in the water.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Happy Birthday Eeyore!
So in the spirit of keeping Austin weird, one of the events we have in our little music town is a birthday party for Eeyore. And if you are going to ask me who is Eeyore, then I have to ask, what type of childhood did you have? If you know the name Winnie the Pooh then you have to know who Eeyore is. So this year it was Eeyore's 48th birthday party. It's a free event and is a great time to get together, hang with some great friends and celebrate his birthday. There's music, dancing, food, beer and a guaranteed good time. The one thing that I love about Eeyore's is that it is not just for adults but for kids. They have maypoles, animal petting zoo and games to be played. I everyone has their own reasons to go, but I had a great time last year and knew that I wanted to be there this time.
We had a great time bringing out our blanket and sipping on some beer and people watching. My friend Pata joined me out as we met our friends Ryan and Kelsea. I even took video of a drum circle! They had hula hoops and dancing, and even unicycle competitions. I could only describe to you about the fun to be had, but you might just have to join next year if you want to experience for yourself.

I have been talking about this for some past posts and it's time to finally brag about it...
So David and I got married quickly. There really is no hiding that, but when you know, you know! So for our wedding I wanted to hire a professional photographer but a family member of my mother's has had a hobby of photographer and had already offered to take the pictures and my mother kindly accepted. I understand the reason for it and for me all I wanted was to get married but after the wedding had happened, David and I were able to see the pictures. I don't think I have ever seen such horrible pictures before. I have worked in the photography field for awile to know that the pictures that were handed to me where the exact pictures a good photographer are taught to not give to a bride. It saddens me at the fact that the only good picture I have of our wedding was one taken by a camera phone. And there is no way to go back and fix it. So instead of just having that as a constant reminder, I decided it was time for David and I to finally get real pictures taken. I had been looking for a while of what I wanted and I thought maybe the best way to handle was to post on craigslist. I do have to say that was the easiest way for me to find what I was looking for. I had emails coming in of all different types of photographers and that is how I came across Katie. Her pictures really stuck out and grabbed my attention. I love how her site was set up and she really was exactly everything I was looking for. Shutterbug Photography is her company and she has a great eye. So I emailed her back and we got in touch of when we wanted to set up. We had planned for a Sunday at 4:30 at Mayfield park. It's a great site but only one problem, when we got to the location, there was a wedding. Katie was so sweet and still offered to try to take shots around the wedding, but i knew it would be too difficult and wanted to enjoy our session so we re-booked. We planned to meet the Saturday before Easter and it was one of the most enjoyable sessions I have ever had. I was so great to talk to her about photography and tell her more about ourselves. She did such a great job about making us feel more comfortable and she just had a really good way of working with us.

After the session we headed to San Antonio and by the night I had gotten 4 samples of pictures that she had taken. I couldn't have been more blown away. I probably showed everyone and their mother on Sunday of one of the samples. I enjoyed every moment of our shoot and even though I would love to show you every picture we got, I still have to save some for possible gifts, since everyone wants a picture of us.