Ten on Tuesday
1. What is your favorite breakfast pastry?
Pigs in the Blanket. It's something that my dad would make me when I was little and now I just feel like a kid every time I eat them.
2. Were you ever in a Thanksgiving or Christmas play?
I remember being in some sort of play at a young age. But the thing I remember the most of that year was at Thanksgiving or Christmas at my grandmother's home and putting on a last minute play with my cousins. I remember doing the splits at the end of the show and being in so much pain. But the show must go on and the audience must be entertained!
3. What is your favorite clothing accessory?
My Watch. It is a beautiful watch and does a great job on keeping time. But I cracked the top of the face when it fell off my wrist. Now I have my eye on this gorgeous Mavado with a light blue face with diamonds on each hour. Oh, how I would love to be rich!
4. What is your favorite item of clothing?
My Argyle socks. I want to buy more. Honestly, anything with argyle on it. My first date with David, he took me bowling and I had to bring socks for the rental shoes. I brought my black and gray argyle socks and hopped in his truck. He saw them immediately and then smiled. His family happened to originate from Scotland and created an Argyle Type. He feel in love immediately, so now I always try to wear argyle socks.
5. What is your favorite color and why?
Green. Blue looks best on me but green is the best. When I was little my grandparents would take me to Luby's for lunch. I would always eat green jello. Then my grandfather took notice and told me the only reason my eyes are green is because of the fact that I eat green jello. I am still this gullible. Then came the day where Luby's ran out of green jello, and I freaked out because I knew I would go blind. I still remember that day very well. A scorned 3 year old never forgets.
6. What is your favorite type of Christmas cookie?
My grandmother's Mexican Wedding Cookies. They are the best drug in this world! You taste one and then you catch yourself sneaking more into a napkin to put in a pocket or purse. Then the next day your coming over to hang out with your grandma and waiting til her back is turned so you can pop open the lid to steal the rest. Yes. My name is Elizabeth and I am an addict for Mexican Wedding Cookies.
7. What is your favorite scent (food, perfume/lotion)
David's deodorant. I know. It's really weird. But we cuddle and the smell is so faint and perfect. And it smells like him. And I love it.
8. What is your favorite household cleaner?

9. When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up? And what did you actually grow up to be?
I wanted to be a teacher. And I actually tried to be. I taught classes and worked with kids, but 20+ four year old in one room can sometimes lead you to drink after work. Now I teach adults that can act like kids, but I teach them how the internet works. And I am fabulous at it!
10. What is the last song or album you bought?
I don't buy songs. I download songs. And the last song that I downloaded was Rain Man by Eminem. I heard it on the way on in the car and giggled at how funny it was. Then I downloaded and giggled some more.
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