Long time ago, I used to see Ikea as a wonderful thing. A big magical place that has everything that you would need to decorate your home at a reasonable price to boot. Now that dream has turned into a nightmare and I believe I have had my last visit to Ikea.
So last Saturday morning, I woke up with the excitement that we would have a day out at Ikea. I walked in giddy and excited. Then I started to realize, it looks the exact same as it did 3 years ago. They're style hasn't changed at all. They still have the same cheap products that have a hint of chic and can take no wear and tear at all.
Walking around Ikea made me feel like they created this warehouse to heard cattle. If you noticed they have paths for everyone to walk around the furniture and displays. It's only to keep you in order and forces you to see E V E R Y T H I N G that they have.
We went with the intention for organization items and things that we can place around the house. The 2 items that I went for with perseverance was frames and pillows. We found the pillows and they were only $11 a pop. They seemed great on display. Really soft and light and great to lay a head on. And the frames? Yea, I found some and they were $17 each and came with a mat. So it seemed like a really great deal.
So we left, feeling a little better about what we were able to get. Then we went to Costco. I love Costco. Costco is my heaven. If I could have an endless gift card to any place in the world, it would be Costco.
So we go into the wonderful world of Costco and what do I see! 2 goose down filled King Pillows. And they are 2 pillows for $15. I was so pissed. Here are these amazing pillows that I could easily buy at Bed Bath and Beyond for $30 each and I'm getting it for a fourth of a price. *Sigh* I love Costco. They have so many wonderful things all over the place and at a decent price.
So, it was just pillows. Then I take the frames home to place in prints of our dogs to put in. Then it happened. The mat in the frame didn't fit with the picture. I should have known that the Swedish don't conform to American numbers and it would become a difficult issue. So, it was just a mat. I can replace that. So I go get 3 new mats for the frames, take them home and deal with a new issue of Ikea. The mat that would fit in a normal 16 x 20 frame won't fit in an Ikea frame. Why? Because Ikea wants your money! You have to buy one thing to fit the other. You have a couch and need a cover, it can only be an Ikea cover. You have a mattress and need a box for it. Well you better have bought the Ikea box, because nothing else will work with it. You buy Ikea chairs and need a cushion? Well I hope you remembered to buy those cushions when you were in Round Rock, and hour away from where you live.
So I add up how much time and money wasted on gas it would take to return these things of evil back to Ikea, and it's honestly not worth it. I had to cut the mat's down to fit in the frames, and they ended up working out. And the pillows, I can send them to the guest room and not look a them ever again.
So there it is, and thank you for listening to me vent. But I hate Ikea. I really hate it. And I don't ever want to go back. If it means that I spend and extra dollar on a product, it would end up being cheaper than driving and hour to hell and being treated like cattle.
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