Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Ten On Tuesday.
1. What are your plans for the holidays? Do you travel at Thanksgiving? If you celebrate Christmas, do you travel then, too?
Not really sure what we will be doing for Thanksgiving. I know we will be in San Antonio- but in regard to the plans- it's up in the air. But Christmas is a different story. We are going to Vegas! We have been planning this for over a year and something that we really have been hoping to finally make happen for a while. David and I are very excited and expecting to spend our money on losing it to the gamble game.
2. How do you make the plans for the holiday? If you have a significant other, how do you decide which family to visit?
We just try to make sure we can fit everything in. There have been some sacrifices, and we don't celebrate with extended family anymore, but close family is our new family tradition.
3. Do you have your Thanksgiving meal at lunch or later in the day?
My mom has a Thanksgiving Lunch and then David's Aunt Alyson has a Thanksgiving Dinner. Needless to say we are full at the end of the day.
4. Do you have a favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
We go around the table and say what we are thankful for. It's going to be hard this year since my grandfather passed away a few months ago so this is going to be the hardest part of having our first Thanksgiving without him. But maybe it might help to add a new tradition to remind everyone that he is still with us.
5. After a big meal do you lounge around or get up and take a walk?
We used to take a walk, but now David and I pack up and head to the next house.
6. Do you shop on “Black Friday” or do you avoid it?
I used to go early in the morning. We would get everything. That is actually how I found out that Santa wasn't real since my mom had to get me a gift and decided to tell me so I wouldn't wonder later. But now I go after noon. The sales are still going and the crowd is barely anything.
7. When do you usually finish your Christmas shopping?
Depends on how other things are going in my life. I expect myself to be officially done in middle of December.
8. Do you and your significant other exchange gifts? Is there a budget?
No budget, I just usually get David things when I see something to get. What do you get a man that has everything? More Tools!
9. When do you decorate for the holidays?
We are not Christian in our household, but I will decorate for the winter season and for our New Years Party. I wanted a Hanukkah Bush, but David is skeptical about it.
10. Do you go “all out” with the decor or do you keep it simple?
Very Simple. I don't like things overdone, but with a hint of celebration.
Our Housewarming Party
David and I bought our house on Friday - September 24th. It took some time, but we were able to move everything from one house to the other. The hardest part was that David was the one on vacation for a month and moving and packing everything himself, while I started a new job on that following Monday, so unfortunately for both of us, I wasn’t able to help as much. Then the end of the month came and crunch time began. We were throwing things in boxes and slapping on white paint on ever wall just trying to get out of that rental house. Then we finally did and we were able to start putting our house together.
We have been doing very well for ourselves. Of course, David’s first project was the projector and surround sound. So now we have a 90 in screen in our living room with a projector that is mounted to the ceiling and surround sound wherever you sit. Then was the garage, he has managed to get everything that we need in that garage, and on top of it, it is organized to his own specification. I can’t find a thing in there, but if you ask him he can tell you exactly where it is. Then came the King Size bed that he picked up from Corpus and that is just fantastic! Oh, and he also put in a fire pit! That man of mine is a keeper! And then my favorite part, is the hot tub. Oh how I love that hot tub! He was able to convince some of our closest friends to come lay the foundation, and then he went to get the hot tub… and then they hooked it up themselves. I wasn’t that happy about the idea of my husband and his buddies playing with 220, but they did it perfectly and that hot tub is a wonderful, wonderful thing that I will enjoy for a while.
So with all of these things in place, what should we do to celebrate! We should have a housewarming party! So last Saturday we invited all of our family and friends over and had two, yes two parties. The first one started at 1 and it was for family to come join. It was very nice and relaxing and just a lot of fun. We had sandwich platters, veggies, fruits, chocolate dipped fruit and this amazing hummus with pita chips and baguettes.
Then everyone left and we relaxed for our night party to start. It started at 8 and ended at 5am. It was so wonderful to have everyone come over and enjoy our home. We had the fire pit going and the deck has never been more packed. We had a bunch of people inside and music going everywhere. There were endless amounts of beer (until it ended) and snacks and food to keep the bellies happy. Then when the party started to wind down, that is when the hot tub started.
It’s funny how it becomes hot tub time. It happens when it happens and all I am allowed to say about the hot tub is that it is a guaranteed great time! It’s so choice, I highly recommend getting one!
So that was our housewarming party, and we will have many parties to come and I will let you know of our next adventures in our fantastically wonderful home.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Ten On Tuesday.
Ten on Tuesday
1. What is your favorite breakfast pastry?
Pigs in the Blanket. It's something that my dad would make me when I was little and now I just feel like a kid every time I eat them.
2. Were you ever in a Thanksgiving or Christmas play?
I remember being in some sort of play at a young age. But the thing I remember the most of that year was at Thanksgiving or Christmas at my grandmother's home and putting on a last minute play with my cousins. I remember doing the splits at the end of the show and being in so much pain. But the show must go on and the audience must be entertained!
3. What is your favorite clothing accessory?
My Watch. It is a beautiful watch and does a great job on keeping time. But I cracked the top of the face when it fell off my wrist. Now I have my eye on this gorgeous Mavado with a light blue face with diamonds on each hour. Oh, how I would love to be rich!
4. What is your favorite item of clothing?
My Argyle socks. I want to buy more. Honestly, anything with argyle on it. My first date with David, he took me bowling and I had to bring socks for the rental shoes. I brought my black and gray argyle socks and hopped in his truck. He saw them immediately and then smiled. His family happened to originate from Scotland and created an Argyle Type. He feel in love immediately, so now I always try to wear argyle socks.
5. What is your favorite color and why?
Green. Blue looks best on me but green is the best. When I was little my grandparents would take me to Luby's for lunch. I would always eat green jello. Then my grandfather took notice and told me the only reason my eyes are green is because of the fact that I eat green jello. I am still this gullible. Then came the day where Luby's ran out of green jello, and I freaked out because I knew I would go blind. I still remember that day very well. A scorned 3 year old never forgets.
6. What is your favorite type of Christmas cookie?
My grandmother's Mexican Wedding Cookies. They are the best drug in this world! You taste one and then you catch yourself sneaking more into a napkin to put in a pocket or purse. Then the next day your coming over to hang out with your grandma and waiting til her back is turned so you can pop open the lid to steal the rest. Yes. My name is Elizabeth and I am an addict for Mexican Wedding Cookies.
7. What is your favorite scent (food, perfume/lotion)
David's deodorant. I know. It's really weird. But we cuddle and the smell is so faint and perfect. And it smells like him. And I love it.
8. What is your favorite household cleaner?

9. When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up? And what did you actually grow up to be?
I wanted to be a teacher. And I actually tried to be. I taught classes and worked with kids, but 20+ four year old in one room can sometimes lead you to drink after work. Now I teach adults that can act like kids, but I teach them how the internet works. And I am fabulous at it!
10. What is the last song or album you bought?
I don't buy songs. I download songs. And the last song that I downloaded was Rain Man by Eminem. I heard it on the way on in the car and giggled at how funny it was. Then I downloaded and giggled some more.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
I hate Ikea.

Long time ago, I used to see Ikea as a wonderful thing. A big magical place that has everything that you would need to decorate your home at a reasonable price to boot. Now that dream has turned into a nightmare and I believe I have had my last visit to Ikea.
So last Saturday morning, I woke up with the excitement that we would have a day out at Ikea. I walked in giddy and excited. Then I started to realize, it looks the exact same as it did 3 years ago. They're style hasn't changed at all. They still have the same cheap products that have a hint of chic and can take no wear and tear at all.
Walking around Ikea made me feel like they created this warehouse to heard cattle. If you noticed they have paths for everyone to walk around the furniture and displays. It's only to keep you in order and forces you to see E V E R Y T H I N G that they have.
We went with the intention for organization items and things that we can place around the house. The 2 items that I went for with perseverance was frames and pillows. We found the pillows and they were only $11 a pop. They seemed great on display. Really soft and light and great to lay a head on. And the frames? Yea, I found some and they were $17 each and came with a mat. So it seemed like a really great deal.
So we left, feeling a little better about what we were able to get. Then we went to Costco. I love Costco. Costco is my heaven. If I could have an endless gift card to any place in the world, it would be Costco.
So we go into the wonderful world of Costco and what do I see! 2 goose down filled King Pillows. And they are 2 pillows for $15. I was so pissed. Here are these amazing pillows that I could easily buy at Bed Bath and Beyond for $30 each and I'm getting it for a fourth of a price. *Sigh* I love Costco. They have so many wonderful things all over the place and at a decent price.
So, it was just pillows. Then I take the frames home to place in prints of our dogs to put in. Then it happened. The mat in the frame didn't fit with the picture. I should have known that the Swedish don't conform to American numbers and it would become a difficult issue. So, it was just a mat. I can replace that. So I go get 3 new mats for the frames, take them home and deal with a new issue of Ikea. The mat that would fit in a normal 16 x 20 frame won't fit in an Ikea frame. Why? Because Ikea wants your money! You have to buy one thing to fit the other. You have a couch and need a cover, it can only be an Ikea cover. You have a mattress and need a box for it. Well you better have bought the Ikea box, because nothing else will work with it. You buy Ikea chairs and need a cushion? Well I hope you remembered to buy those cushions when you were in Round Rock, and hour away from where you live.
So I add up how much time and money wasted on gas it would take to return these things of evil back to Ikea, and it's honestly not worth it. I had to cut the mat's down to fit in the frames, and they ended up working out. And the pillows, I can send them to the guest room and not look a them ever again.
So there it is, and thank you for listening to me vent. But I hate Ikea. I really hate it. And I don't ever want to go back. If it means that I spend and extra dollar on a product, it would end up being cheaper than driving and hour to hell and being treated like cattle.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
What day is it?
So where were we?
Oh yea! We bought a house! So happy and excited about that. We are setting everything up and saving our pennies to buy a new furniture set. This weekend we are putting in a hot tub (Thanks Nick for a great Housewarming gift!) and putting together the fire pit. We have also placed in rope light for the deck to give a nice warm feeling.
I am starting to put more things in their place so that is great as well.
What else happened.... Oh! David bought me a new car! Yep! Now we both drive a Hemi and very excited about that as well.
And... oh, of course! I started a new job. I am officially the Senior Centers Tech Support Specialist. So now I am a teacher for our new agents that come to AT&T Wi-Fi Services. And I love my job. I am crazy busy with my head whirling around, but I keep my ground and get things done.
David and I usually just tell people that he makes the internet work, and I teach people how the internet works. It all works out pretty well together.
So sorry this isn't a fun little story and a lame excuse for a catch up- but just took a little break from myself and decided to let the internet's know that I am in fact, alive and well. Maybe I will see you soon and not keep my distance so much next time.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
"My Son is Gay"
Or he’s not. I don’t care. He is still my son. And he is 5. And I am his mother. And if you have a problem with anything mentioned above, I don’t want to know you.
I have gone back and forth on whether I wanted to post something more in-depth about my sweet boy and his choice of Halloween costume. Or more specifically, the reactions to it. I figure if I’m still irked by it a few days later, I may as well go ahead and post my thoughts.
Here are the facts that lead up to my rant:
- My son is 5 and goes to a church preschool.
- He has loved Scooby Doo since developing the ability and attention span to sit still long enough to watch it.
- Halloween is a holiday and its main focus is wearing a costume.
- My son’s school had the kids dress up, do a little parade, and then change out of costumes for the rest of the party.
- Boo’s best friend is a little girl
- Boo has an older sister
- Boo spends most of his time with me.
- I am a woman.
- I am Boo’s mother, not you.
So a few weeks before Halloween, Boo decides he wants to be Daphne from Scooby Doo, along with his best friend E. He had dressed as Scooby a couple of years ago. I was hesitant to make the purchase, not because it was a cross gendered situation, but because 5 year olds have a tendency to change their minds. After requesting a couple of more times, I said sure and placed the order. He flipped out when it arrived. It was perfect.
Then as we got closer to the actual day, he stared to hem and haw about it. After some discussion it comes out that he is afraid people will laugh at him. I pointed out that some people will because it is a cute and clever costume. He insists their laughter would be of the ‘making fun’ kind. I blow it off. Seriously, who would make fun of a child in costume?
And then the big day arrives. We get dressed up. We drop Squirt at his preschool and head over to his. Boo doesn’t want to get out of the car. He’s afraid of what people will say and do to him. I convince him to go inside. He halts at the door. He’s visibly nervous. I chalk it up to him being a bit of a worrier in general. Seriously, WHO WOULD MAKE FUN OF A CHILD IN A COSTUME ON HALLOWEEN? So he walks in. And there were several friends of mine that knew what he was wearing that smiled and waved and gave him high-fives. We walk down the hall to where his classroom is.
And that’s where things went wrong. Two mothers went wide-eyed and made faces as if they smelled decomp. And I realize that my son is seeing the same thing I am. So I say, “Doesn’t he look great?” And Mom A says in disgust, “Did he ask to be that?!” I say that he sure did as Halloween is the time of year that you can be whatever it is that you want to be. They continue with their nosy, probing questions as to how that was an option and didn’t I try to talk him out of it. Mom B mostly just stood there in shock and dismay.
And then Mom C approaches. She had been in the main room, saw us walk in, and followed us down the hall to let me know her thoughts. And they were that I should never have ‘allowed’ this and thank God it wasn’t next year when he was in Kindergarten since I would have had to put my foot down and ‘forbidden’ it. To which I calmly replied that I would do no such thing and couldn’t imagine what she was talking about. She continued on and on about how mean children could be and how he would be ridiculed.
My response to that: The only people that seem to have a problem with it is their mothers.
Another mom pointed out that high schools often have Spirit Days where girls dress like boys and vice versa. I mentioned Powderpuff Games where football players dress like cheerleaders and vice versa. Or every frat boy ever in college (Mom A said that her husband was a frat boy and NEVER dressed like a woman.)
But here’s the point, it is none of your damn business.
If you think that me allowing my son to be a female character for Halloween is somehow going to ‘make’ him gay then you are an idiot. Firstly, what a ridiculous concept. Secondly, if my son is gay, OK. I will love him no less. Thirdly, I am not worried that your son will grow up to be an actual ninja so back off.
If my daughter had dressed as Batman, no one would have thought twice about it. No one.
But it also was heartbreaking to me that my sweet, kind-hearted five year old was right to be worried. He knew that there were people like A, B, and C. And he, at 5, was concerned about how they would perceive him and what would happen to him.
Just as it was heartbreaking to those parents that have lost their children recently due to bullying. IT IS NOT OK TO BULLY. Even if you wrap it up in a bow and call it ‘concern.’ Those women were trying to bully me. And my son. MY son.
It is obvious that I neither abuse nor neglect my children. They are not perfect, but they are learning how to navigate this big, and sometimes cruel, world. I hate that my son had to learn this lesson while standing in front of allegedly Christian women. I hate that those women thought those thoughts, and worse felt comfortable saying them out loud. I hate that ‘pink’ is still called a girl color and that my baby has to be so brave if he wants to be Daphne for Halloween.
And all I hope for my kids, and yours, and those of Moms ABC, are that they are happy. If a set of purple sparkly tights and a velvety dress is what makes my baby happy one night, then so be it. If he wants to carry a purse, or marry a man, or paint fingernails with his best girlfriend, then ok. My job as his mother is not to stifle that man that he will be, but to help him along his way. Mine is not to dictate what is ‘normal’ and what is not, but to help him become a good person.
I hope I am doing that.
And my little man worked that costume like no other. He rocked that wig, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.