What did I tell you? I always get what I want. And yes, I am fully aware of how spoiled I am.
A couple of Blogs ago I wrote of how I wanted a new camera. I know my argument was horrible and unjustified, and if someone was just reading this from an outside view I could only imagine their reaction as "Yeah, sure! She'll never get a camera with that argument." But those people obviously don't know me. I wrote out to the world what I wanted and why, justified to my own account. I waited patiently for my husband to read the blog. And on the day he did, I sat next to him in the garage, looked at him in the eye and prepared to answer any questions. He just looked over and said "So this means we can get a camera?"
Seriously! How smart is my husband!?! He mentioned a while ago we should get a camera. If you really want to be honest about who gets what they want... it's really him. He placed the idea in my head and I said no. Then I thought and thought and thought about it. It really only took over a year for me to come up with it on my own. And now we both have a great fancy camera, and a tiny little camera that we can use in party like, busy situations.
The day after he read my blog he ran out and bought the camera. Obviously he doesn't play around when getting something that we want. I know he has already gone through all of the research and he ended getting a really great deal for it. And he actually ended up purchasing it from Costco. (We really love Costco, the deals are just great and can't be beat!) So he bought the camera and it has been hard to use it ever since! The main reason being that it is always, ALWAYS on him at all times. He holds on to it like its his phone. It is rarely out of his site and to sneak it out of his possession is pretty hard. I have to actually ask him for it, instead of just grabbing it whenever I want. What is that? I have to ask for something? Yes, I know, I'm spoiled.
We've been using the camera at many opportune moments, and now the "Want Monster" has calmed down until she wants again.
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