Last year during Rock Fest, I was lucky enough to be working backstage and saw an amazing Austin band called Arc Attack and I had fallen in love. Their show was one of a kind and no matter what you were into, you will love Arc Attack!
I tried to convince David to come see their show and with him hating large crowds and downtown I knew I could never convince him to make his way out.

He ended up missing the show and I was worried that he would never get a chance to check them out. Even though Arc Attack is an Austin band, they are very very big over seas. They were going on a 3 month tour in Europe and it is just really hard to catch a show when they come back home.

One day I was browsing Facebook and noticed that Arc Attack was back in town and having a free show in Austin. It was a fundraiser for relief in Haiti and was in some venue close to downtown without having to deal with 'downtown parking.' Of course it being a BYOB (bring your own booze) party wasn't half bad either.

So the Foster's and the Balentine's packed up the cooler, put on some jackets and headed to the show. We ended up getting there just in time to get a good enough spot, right in front of the barriers to see the magic that is Arc Attack. I had explained to David, Kelly and Alan how the show works out, but there really is no way to explain what it is they do without seeing it. The way they explain it on their website is "Two custom engineered hand built Tesla Coils throw out electrical arcs up to twelve feet long, each one acting as an instrument with a sound reminiscent of the early days of the synthesizer. A robotic drum set accompanies the spectacle, it's high power LED's flashing bright colors with the stroke of each mechanically actuated stick, while ArcAttack's six members churn out rhythmic instrumental melodies." I like to explain it as "AWESOME!"

So, really it is electricity that they have shooting out making music. They have a robotic drummer, a guy on keyboard and a full band. They've created their own music and do some amazing covers.

They even have a guy go in a metal suit and stand between the "bolts of electricity." They even had a raffle and chose 5 people from the crowd to stand in a metal cage and rockout to the music while the bolts were touching the box. I know I can't do this band justice, but all I can say is if you know they are having a show and you can make it, then don't miss it!

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