So as some of you might know, David and I just recently added a new member to our family. Everyone, meet Ella Fitzgerald Balentine. We drove 2 hours east of Austin to some little town to go meet a litter of pups. And sure enough when Ella was brought out, my heart skipped a beat, and I knew she was it. So we took her home and now she is ours!
David and I have been discussing for a while about adding another member to the family. Most always the conversation ended up in no, that is wasnt our time. And on Sunday (Mother's Day) we went to Jims and ate some lunch while njoying conversation. I have no idea how we began talking about it, but this time the conversation was different. We discussed about how we have the finances to take on another pet, and we definitly have the love and patience. The only sacrifice that we werent sure about was our time. With our two boys its easy to go out of town, and stay our certain times. But with a puppy all those things need to be considered. And i was sure before we got her, and even more sure now shes here, I have all the time in the world for her.
Here are some pictures of Ella, and I hope you enjoy. I do have to warn you that looking at these, will not even do Ella justice. I swear if you see her in person, your heart will melt.
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