Ella is an amazing little one. David and I love her so much. But more and more every night, Ella finds it necessary to cry as long as she can until someone wakes up to play with her or maybe let her sleep in our bed. I've started to learn more about her personality. There are little things that she does that makes me worry what kind of pet she is going to be.
Like for example, shes already running the household by crying the loudest I've ever heard a dog cry to get what she want. When shes really mad, she will do her 'business'
right next to the potty pad, but not on top. This little 4 and a half pound ball of fluff with chase around Copland and Johnny when in the backyard, already getting her hearding skills out! She's so persistant about getting what she wants, but it's so hard since she's so cute! All she has to do is shake her little but or look up at you with those big blue eyes and I melt. My brother is coming in town today, so I've decided to start up training on Monday, since I want to be able to set out a time schedule Ella and I can stick to for puppy training time. If anyone has any great websites, please let me know, new ideas are always much appreciated!
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