Then Saturday, I went to San Antonio since my family was celebrating my grandfather's birthday. He passed away in July and was not able to celebrate his 80th, but we did it right, I even got a hat for his birthday. I think it would have made him laugh.

Then came Monday and David came home and I had my first day of bootcamp at 5:30 in the morning. I was very sore when I came home after work. And now, Tuesday, I am sick.

Now for some Ten on Tuesday.. Thanks to Roots and Rings for this weeks questions!
1. What’s your favorite kind of donut?
There is this donut from HEB that I adore. Its the Zebra donut. It has white chocolate icing and black chocolate icing drizzled on top. But since I can no longer eat those things called donuts, I will stare longingly and then eat my fruit cup.
2. Do you use the snooze button?
Yes I do. I used it all morning today. I was suppose to wake up at 4:30, but wit my sick achy body I just hit the snooze button about 18 times so I would wake up at 7.
3. Do you write in cursive, print, or a combination of the two?
All of the above? It really is just a mixture of everything. I have grown to like my handwriting, took me a while to get it and now i realize I write a lot like my mom. I can still forge her signature if necessary. I don't think that is a wise thing to put here since she will read it, but it will give her a reason to text me later. Love you Mom!
4. Tell us a joke.
Most of the jokes that I know are offensive. So I asked David if he knew any jokes and he sent me this one.
"So there's this bit of rope. He walks into a bar, tells the bartender to get him a drink. Bartender says piss off, we don't serve your kind in here. So the rope leaves, comes back the next day and tries again. again the bartender tells him to go away. Next day, again, he tries. this time the bartender picks him up and throws him out. he hits a car, gets wound up in the axle and falls out. he's all sorts of twisted up and his hair is totally messed up.
I love my husband.
5. How many languages do you speak?
1 language. And that language is called American!
6. Why did you start blogging?
I was bored and David was out of town. So I needed something to kill time. Also it helps out since I live in Austin and family, friends or blood related people can find out how I am doing.
7. Do you use bar soap or liquid body wash?
I used Dove bar soap forever, then I started getting a reaction to it. On Saturday I went to Bath and Body works and bought 5 new bottles of body wash. Why 5? They had a sale of buy 3 get 2 free. I figured since I was already going to by 2, might as well get 3. It made sense at the time.
8. Do you buy bottled water?
Yes, and lots of it. I have been trying to prepare out house for "In Case of Emergency" back up. So now we have enough water to take care of us for a week in needed.
9. What did you think of the Super Bowl Half Time Show?
I thought it was horrible and un American. The shows used to be so amazingly good and now whoever puts them together has no idea what is 'hot' in America right now. They should hire me and I would have the greatest Half Time Show Ever!! There would be fireworks. And goats. And awesomeness everywhere.
10. How do you feel about Steve Carell leaving The Office?
I prefer not to think about that at this time. I adore the Office and it took a very long time for me to come around. I feel in love with the BBC version and refused to give the American version a chance. But the endearing part of the American version is that Michael Scott will always find a way to win your heart back at the end of the show. This will make it very hard for me to continue to watch. So there is your answer, I think it will be hard for me, but I will still watch.
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