I wanted to share with you my speech for my grandfather. I know it can help me through my mourning, and I want to share with the world of what an amazing man he was.
I grew up knowing that Papa and Ma traveled around the world, living life and making wonderful memories. I remember the first time I got to meet them and was honestly a bit scared. More so of Papa than Ma. He stood there so stoic and proud and letting out just a little bit of a smile at me. At 5 years old I couldn't understand things the way I do now - I wasn't sure if he wanted to be my friend or not. But the more I have grown up, I can now look back and laugh at how silly I was. He was my Papa and he loved me with his whole heart. And it might have taken some years for me to actually see how much love he held for me, but when I finally saw it - I felt like I had wasted so many years just being foolish about this one thing.
I thought I knew enough about him when he passed. I knew that he loved his wife for over 50 years and that he was really proud of his only son. That he adored my mother and that he got a kick out of the fact that she knew how to handle his personality the way she did. He loved his only grandson as his own and always wanted the best for him. And with me, he loved my happiness for life and the fact that he never knew what I would do next. But the day he passed I was able to see something beautiful, something that I will never forget. That this one man was able to live his life out the way he wanted, and some how he was able to bring out some of the most amazing people in the world together, in this one room, to share this one moment. I saw love in a way that I never knew could exist and it was all because of Papa.
After his passing we decided to make a collage for him so everyone could see what he brought to this world, but I didn't expect to find out what I did. Being as lucky as I was to see his life documented, I realized - Papa has lived an amazing life. So amazing, that some people chase around their whole time on this earth just trying to grab a taste of it. He lost his father so young, but was still able to be strong enough to be there for his mother, brothers and sister. He was able to be placed in the perfect situation to run into the most beautiful woman in the world and make her fall in love with him and even get her to marry him. He was able to have a strong, wonderful son and show him the world and teach him about life. He traveled the world and saw some things that might be hard for some people, but instead of sulking on that, he made this world a better place. And even after he retired, he continued living his life to the fullest, traveling with Ma and sharing his stories and love for others.
I know for me it was hard to read him since he had such a strong personality, but now I see that he had to be strong, because he wasn't going to wait around for anyone else to be, he had to be the one to make things better. And by him standing up for what he knew what was right, it has changed my world. He had so much love to give, and just by him giving that out in his own way, it has given a rippled effect of love. And our job today, is to see that love, acknowledge it and continue to pass it on.
I am proud to call myself his granddaughter. I am proud to know his stories of his life, and continue to share them out with this world. Because Papa was special, and he is a special caliber of person that this world is missing and very much needs now a days. I hope one day, I can say I did just as much as he did in my life. I hope that one day this pain of missing him won't hurt as much as it does now. And I hope he's looking down on us right now and smiling at the fact that we are all here today, celebrating his amazing life.
I love you Papa.
Adios and Vaya con Dios

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