Our First Halloween, we went to a friends Halloween Party and even found out way to 6th street in Austin. And WOW! there are some amazing costumes out there every year we go. The way we work as a couple usually ends up in thinking for months about a costume for myself and planning it out every step of the way and for David I usually think of an idea for him two days before, he says sure and I spend the next two days running around town making his costume perfect. :D Maybe that is the only reason he actually dresses up. So, our first year together I found David a Penguin Costume. He was so happy about it since a Penguin is his favorite animal and something it also has something to do with some sort of computer thing that I really don't even remember. Yes, he's told me about 4 times but sometimes I just can't hear him correctly so I just ignore it. Anyway, David was a Penguin and for some reason every single person we saw on 6th street loved his costume. If you ask him he would probably say "Because It's Awesome!"

And well, in all honesty, it really was awesome. The man in the picture as a 'dead person?' thought David was so cool for wearing a Penguin Costume he had to have a picture with David. I think he saw that David had a little Hard Rock in him and had to respect the confidence. The second picture is one of my favorites because right there is a joke for all to love. A penguin, a banana, and a gator walk into a bar.... I think you would have to finish on that one.

That year I dressed up as a very well known figure. The pregnant virgin mary. Now I can only imagine that anyone's reaction to this could be "Haha, what a great costume!" or "How could you!" And if you know me at all, then you know I never play it safe. I love having a costume that makes people give a second take, because well... that's just me. I even had some random man run up to me saying "My goodness, that is the most beautiful pregnant belly I have ever seen! Congratulations! May I touch your belly? I can tell you what you're going to be having!" So what did I say? If you know me at all, I said sure, and asked him what sex he thought the baby was. He told me I would be having a girl, I just laughed and told him was a pillow and thanked him for his psychic reading. Going downtown with that costume was even more fun than I thought. So many people ran up to me to get a picture, because really... how many Virgin Mary's do you see on Halloween? Even the Christians protesting with their signs that the world is going to end on 6th street gave me a smile. I really loved my costume, and even though it did get me trouble with some people I am related to, I can only laugh at it since I had an amazing costume for under $15 and I rocked it!

Last year was even better! David and I decided to be a 'White Trash Couple' I was a little worried about what my relatives would say about another year as something a bit out there, but when my Mother in Law came over to the house before a Halloween Party we were heading to, her laugh definitely made me feel better about it. I got David some Dale Earnhardt Pajama Pants and cut them into cargo shorts. He also wore his cowboy boots, a white sleeveless undershirt, a Coors Baseball hat with a fish hook attached to the top, and the topper was a coozie attached with twine to hang around his neck so he wouldn't have to hold his beer. I think that might have been his favorite part of the costume. The Halloween Party we went to we even decided to have him bring our backpack on wheels cooler. He filled it with Lonestar and really played the part. I had the big hair with the blue eyeshadow. The bathing suit top as bra support, an ugly pink panther tank top, a bright yellow unicorn purse and a baby wearing an Aggie shirt. C'mon! I had to, we live in Austin! :) We had such an amazing time, and yet again, everyone loved Davids Costume more than mine!
So I hear you saying... "What are you two going to be this year?" Well that is an answer that I can not give to you. Sorry, I know but it is a surprise. One thing that I can tell you is that David and I are not on a theme, but you will love it! And we will have pictures up soon and you will be able to see everything we did tonight. And another hint is this is the first year we are not going Downtown. There really is no point in dealing with all of those people, parking, cabs, and the Police. But I can promise we will have a good safe time, and we wish you the same! Happy Halloween to All!